Thursday 5 September 2019

Uses of Cannabis-Infused Coconut Oil

Cannabis-Infused Coconut Oil
Advanced research on cannabis aims at providing a better version of coconut oil. Cannabis-infused coconut oil has turned out to be an excellent combination with additional health benefits.
 Dr. Jay Danniston is an analytical chemist, a food scientist, and director of education at Dixie Brands. He advocates the use of coconut oil as an emulsifier with cannabis products.

How cannabis-infused coconut oil is better than coconut oil?

During recent years, coconut oil has become extremely popular among people for its innumerable health benefits. Every research or study ended with strong recommendations regarding its consumption. It has become an essential ingredient in every kitchen
The tincture is the best form to consume it. Cannabis-infused coconut oil is ideal for consumers who want to avoid chemicals or additives. It is 100 % natural and organic in nature.
Medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), processed fat in the oil is quite effective for weight loss and weight management. MCT in coconut oil has no taste and no odor.
The qualities make it more suitable to combine with cannabis. They have a good tendency to incorporate together. The presence of unsaturated fat in coconut oil further adds to its beneficial qualities.
Some researchers thought of coconut oil a better option for binding due to the presence of saturated fats. Denniston emphasizes more on health benefits and preservation than on binding quality. Furthermore, the selection of MCT oil depends on additional benefits in terms of the brain, cardiovascular and immune systems.
Both the compounds are good for curing inflammation.  The high concentration of unsaturated fats leads to rancidity. The low concentration of unsaturated fat in MCT oil leads to lower oxidation thus reducing rancidity.
Making weed infused coconut oil is not rocket science. Instead, it is a simple procedure to carry out at home.

Method of preparing cannabis-infused coconut oil at a domestic level

Michelle Latinsky is a director at Alphria Inc. a Canadian Cannabis Company. She explains the easiest methods for its preparation i.e. to heat coconut oil in a saucepan at low flame. Later, add dried cannabis and cook it for 2 to 3 hours.
Keep on stirring off and on. Strain the oil in a heat resistant bowl and store in an airtight container. She uses the oil in her favorite salad of beet and grapefruit with cream of avocado and her favorite lemon tart.
According to the Health Canada report, edibles can take about a time of 30 min to 2 hours to feel the effect and at least 4 hours to draw maximum out of it. A person needs to watch for about 12 to 24 hours to notice the consequence of the cannabis diet. Taking a cannabis-infused diet is a different phenomenon than smoking or vaping.
However, Denniston strongly forbids the use of cannabis-infused coconut oil through vapors. It may lead to deadly consequences of inhaling of cancer-causing agents. The most effective way is to put it under the tongue or to cook in an appropriate dose.
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