By Richard Sacks
The Problem With Antibiotics
Many stories have been written lately for Natural News and other sites about the pending health disaster of super microbes resulting from the use of antibiotics. The problem is that antibiotics have been used for many decades to kill pathogenic organisms, but they never quite kill them all. The toughest ones survive and multiply. This is seen in an extreme form in a hospital environment, where all kinds of antibiotics and chemical disinfectants are used. Eventually all that is left are the super bacteria, and like super viruses such as those intentionally created in government laboratories, they are very hard to stop. In the meantime, the routine use of antibiotics has killed the beneficial microorganisms in many people’s bodies, and these microbes are the main part of our immune system, especially in the digestive tract, so we are left wide open to infection, disease, unable to withstand environmental stresses that would normally not hurt us if we had not lost our natural immunity. This may be a great business model for allopathic medicine, as it guarantees lots of business from people with no functioning immune systems, but like most of modern health care, it is a disaster for the people it is supposed to serve.
Solutions Available Right Now
The answer to this problem has multiple parts, and they fit together. First, if we take the time to really study health and learn how to take care of our bodies and keep our immune systems strong, most pathogenic organisms will not affect us, and no health care from the system, other than in cases of accident or similar emergencies, will be needed. As much as we might not initially want to admit it, everything we eat, drink, breath, think and feel, deeply affects our health, even if the effect is not immediately visible. If we take responsibility for this, and make our decisions consciously to maintain our own health, we become empowered and much less dependent.
Second, we need to work to replace our current health care system with one that works in accordance with the laws of nature, not with the drug companies and their allies in and out of government, whose objective is to make a huge profit by keeping us sick. While this unfortunate system still exists, we need to learn to take care of ourselves, not depend on those who are trained to drug us, radiate us, poison us and cut out our organs when the other things don’t work. That may not be the most ideal system, to say the least, and there are plenty of tools including lifestyle improvements, that we can use by ourselves.
Third, for those cases where a pathogenic organism does pose a threat to our well being, where it attacks us in spite of our healthy lifestyle, we need to use a tool far better than antibiotics, one that does not kill the beneficial microorganisms that we need to stay strong. One such potential replacement for harmful micro-life killing drugs, including antibiotics, already of proven value, is colloidal silver.
Ancient Alchemists Considered Fools By “Modern Science”
All of the precious metals, particularly gold, silver and those we call members of the platinum group (rubidium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium and platinum) were once considered to possess special properties beneficial in health or spiritual ways. Alchemists back into antiquity have sought to change base metals into one or more of these, but their goals were not always just the creation of monetary wealth, they also are known to have sought lasting health and long life or immortality. Our modern “scientific” point of view is that the alchemists were merely superstitious, with baseless beliefs, and that now with modern science for the first time in history, we really understand nature and what is going on around us. Our scientists and educators learn this arrogance as a central theme in their studies. I can confirm this, having worked (and still working) with many of them. Long ago, when I was a child in elementary school, we were taught, by our teachers and with the aid of reel to reel movies from Disney and others, that prior to about 1950, all “knowledge” was really just superstition, but now we had modern science. As a result, we would send rockets into space and basically master all fields of knowledge. This mentality has now led to the full development of a system of medicine based on the use of poisons and cutting out important body parts from trusting patients for massive profit and control, nuclear power that is now on the verge of destroying life on Earth, GMO plants that threaten to do the same thing, and jets flying over our heads 24/7 dropping toxic metals and other poisons on us, so that it is now impossible to breathe clean air. And scientists on TV remind us it is all in our best interests, according to experts that know best.
But there is another breed of scientist that has not quite died out, fortunately for all of us. They remember that science was not always about memorizing and repeating acceptable points of view. Once it was about keen observation, pattern recognition, and an open-minded and critical search for understanding, of ourselves and the world around us. If whole paradigms of understanding and world views fell in the process, it was perfectly acceptable, because the goal was understanding, and the development of tools for life that really did benefit humanity, and did not cause harm. One of those tools that works is colloidal silver.
Silver As A Tool In “Natural Allopathic Medicine”
Dr. Mark Sircus has written a lot about what he calls “natural allopathic medicine.” This is the practice of corrective medicine, including emergency medicine, which uses skills and knowledge shared by allopathically trained doctors but tools that minimize or totally avoid harming the patient. Tools like hot and cold water, far infrared saunas, biomats (you can get these from Dr. Sircus) for a source of healing internal heating, bicarbonate of soda, iodine, magnesium, and among many other such non-drugs, colloidal silver.
Colloidal silver is not hard to understand. The silver in it is regular pure, elemental silver, like the silver used to make pure silver coins (not all silver coins are pure, some contain other metals as well). Very tiny amounts are put into suspension in water, and generally the particles are too small to see individually and too small to settle to the bottom of the container, so they stay in solution, which is what “colloidal” means. Very small amounts of silver particles suspended like this tend to quickly kill pathogenic bacteria and viruses without harming beneficial micro-organisms. Dr. Rima Laibow of the Natural Solutions Foundation has confirmed my understanding of why this happens, that it is connected to the difference between anaerobic and aerobic conditions that harmful vs. helpful organisms require to thrive. I cannot personally guarantee for you that this is the exact reason that silver works, but I can tell you from my own experience that I have seen it work numerous times, on myself, on others, and even on animals.
Yes, it is definitely true that pets like cats and dogs, and possibly other creatures (I have not personally tried this on reptiles or birds yet) can also benefit. Just this past week, silver saved the life of a very small poodle that has been with me for almost 16 years. She almost never gets sick, because I keep her far away from vets and their drugs and vaccines, and because a few years ago I threw away all “dog food” and put her back on her normal diet as a dog. When her diet was corrected (to fresh raw organic meat and a few supplemental foods), she quickly got back to an energy level she had not had for many years, and stopped getting sick. However, dogs pick up various parasites and other organisms from the outside environment, and she apparently picked up one of those that was particularly nasty. She developed a cough so chronic and severe that eventually she could hardly breathe and was getting exhausted from the coughing. It seemed clear to me she could die. As a holistic health investigator/practitioner since the 1960’s, I was not going to subject her to potentially deadly antibiotics, but instead I started giving her very small amounts of colloidal silver in her water, but these very small amounts did nothing visible, and she continued to get worse, so I figured that silver could not help her. Then one night as I was almost asleep, I heard her coughing very badly without a break, and I could not stand her suffering and had to do something. I picked up the bottle of colloidal silver I had used to put small amounts in her water, filled the screw-on eyedropper top with undiluted colloidal silver, and put it in her mouth. She swallowed it without resistance (it just tastes like water). Within less than a minute her cough stopped. Even with my prior experience, this was amazing. Apparently all that was needed was an adequate dose, and I had never before thought of this because people had told me that tiny doses were best. This belief almost cost my small friend her life, and reminded me yet again, “Question Everything.” So for the next couple of days’, I gave her a full dropper of the silver a few times a day. Within two days, her cough, after months of suffering, was 90% gone, and soon after was completely cured. The colloidal silver I used was just a brand I found at the local natural food store that turned out to be good. It was 500 PPM (parts per million) concentration, and was dark brown in color. About a year previously this same silver had gotten rid of a skin cancer on the back of this same dog within about 2 weeks. You really have to experience these things to know they are possible, as they sound just to amazing to be real. But experiences like this are why I take the time to write this for you.
Understanding The Government Seal Of Approval
One more thing, remember the U.S. government’s special program to give its “seal of approval” to some of the best natural products you can get. For example, organic raw milk vendors have been assaulted by swat teams and sometimes arrested and tortured, as was the case in California with James Stewart, the notorious terrorist actually caught in the act of promoting and selling organic raw milk. If this is not a seal of approval, I don’t know what is. Similarly, EPA has attempted to regulate colloidal silver as a pesticide, too dangerous for ordinary mortals to handle without their supervision. For now, public outrage from those who use colloidal silver seems to have backed them off, but it is unknown for how long. After all, colloidal silver, if it ever became widely known, could pose a real threat to the medical drug dealers that contribute so much to the U.S. economy by selling antibiotics and other killers of pathogens. If these drug sales were reduced, who knows what economic chaos could ensue, right? So if you need official endorsement of the real benefits of colloidal silver, it seems to me that you have it right there. Hardly anyone in the natural movement ever takes a minute to thank their federal servants who work tirelessly to offer them services like these various seal of approval programs, and we ought to be more appreciative. Just a note of caution, though, just in case government agencies succeed in making colloidal silver totally illegal for you to purchase (for your own good of course), if you want to still have it available, you need to either stock up on it in advance, or get yourself one of the systems to produce it yourself, offered by Silver Lungs and possibly other companies on the internet. I have seen excellent results with this home-produced product as well.
One other precautionary note, is that if you take large doses of colloidal silver all the time, you may eventually succeed in turning your skin blue or gray from the buildup of silver. Most users agree that silver is a tool to use when you need it, not as a daily supplement, and this is the main reason. The condition of this coloring has been called permanent, but Mercola and others do not agree, and directions have been offered to reverse it and get rid of the blue-gray color (called “argyria”). One of many online suggestions on how to do this can be seen at http://www.indiadivine.org/content/topic/1840379-argyria-cured-curing-the-blue-skin-from-colloidal-silver-normal-liver-spots/. I have not tried any of these, as I have never turned my skin gray by overusing silver. Just be reasonable and only use colloidal silver when needed so it has no chance to build up in your system to this extent.
Colloidal Silver In Context Of Total Health
I would certainly have colloidal silver in my home medicine arsenal, and you may want to learn as much about it as you can. It is not a panacea for health, just a great tool that makes it easier to avoid using some others that are dangerous and don’t work nearly as well.
To put tools like silver in context, remember that it is primarily your every day lifestyle that will determine your state of health. When you first start becoming aware of this, and gradually realize that your body is an extremely sensitive, conscious instrument, and everything you put on it or in it affects its well being in a positive or negative manner, you may feel disheartened that learning to really take care of yourself is such a job, with the world as it is today. My suggestion is, instead of resenting it, take it as an exciting and educational challenge. Become enthusiastic about learning. You have great power to repair and maintain your own health even in this poisoned world being run by those who seem determined to destroy it, and us as well. You can learn anything you want to know. Your body is designed to be fully self-healing, and it has amazing powers that most of us never imagine, and instead we run to drugs that in the long run make us a lot sicker and can lead to serious disease (read the so-called “side effects,” which are really just more of the main effects you’re not supposed to think about). Try changing your reason for eating. This can totally transform your health. Instead of choosing your foods and drinks, your times to eat and the amounts you consume according to taste, try making these choices only based on what your body will most benefit from, what it actually needs, when and how much. Then enjoy those things you choose AFTER you make the choices for the new reasons. If you become a keen observer of what your body tells you, learn to differentiate completely between learned cravings and deep nutritional needs (and your body will tell you these things if you learn to listen), you can really transform your life.
Thoughts And Emotions Are Also Part Of Your Diet
Choose not only your food and drink, but also your thoughts and emotions the same way. I am challenging you to monitor the thoughts and emotions you carry around all day, and realize they are VOLUNTARY, and you can change them at will. The secret there is this: if a certain thing happens around you, in your life, you are not required to have a pre-set mental and emotional reaction to it. Learn what this means. It is not the thing outside of you, the event, even the other person, that is really the source of stress. It is always our reaction to it that hurts us and hurts our health. We have forgotten, this is a voluntary choice. We can re-learn this, and eliminate most stress, even if we still have to deal with the same circumstances and people. It is a totally amazing discovery and it holds the key to eliminate the source of many health problems that come from emotional distress.
So get inspired. You have the ability to radically improve your own health, just based on your choices every day. Start making them conscious, and be brave enough to question them all. Those being made for the right reasons can be left alone. The others hold secret keys for you to change your life in amazing ways. And when you are considering what tools to have on hand to deal with infections when and if they occur, learn about what silver has to offer. Real medicines with powerful benefits and no toxic or negative effects are worth considering. Combine the knowledge of these tools with deep learning about how to detoxify years of built up poisons in your cells before they cause more disease, and how to raise your nutrition to the next level, and you will find many of your old ideas of what limits you have disappeared, leaving you face to face with a new life.http://blogs.naturalnews.com/antibiotics-made-irrelevant-by-colloidal-silver-2/
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