Tuesday 20 September 2016

7 Superfoods To Lower Cholesterol!

High levels of LDL aka bad cholesterol is what puts your heart at risk. Too much of LDL in the bloodstream can clog the arteries and increase the risk of a stroke or heart attack.
Having high cholesterol isn't uncommon. That is why, there has been a significant increase in the cases of heart problems. But if you've been trying to reduce your cholesterol then do read on.
There are several ways in which you can keep your cholesterol level under check. Maintain a healthy lifestyle, workout regularly and eat heart-healthy foods to promote health and wellbeing.
So, today at Boldsky, we're going to let you know about some of the most heart-healthy superfoods that can effectively lower the level of bad cholesterol.
In fact, integrating these remarkable superfoods in your diet will not only lower bad cholesterol but also boost the level of good cholesterol to cut down the risk of coronary heart disease.
These superfoods are replete with unsaturated fat, soluble fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. All these compounds are known to reduce the level of bad cholesterol.
In addition, you must maintain a healthy lifestyle to keep your heart healthy and strong. Keeping that in mind, read on to know more about these superfoods, that are known for their cholesterol-lowering properties.

1. Almonds

Presence of essential nutrients and fiber in almonds enable it to significantly lower the bad cholesterol, LDL. Several studies have found that daily consumption of this remarkable dry fruit can greatly cut down the risk of coronary diseases.

2. Oats and Barley

Oats and barley are powerhouse of soluble fiber that are considered highly effective in lowering the level of bad cholesterol. So,have a bowl of oatmeal and include barley in your diet to raise the good cholesterol while lowering the bad one.

3. Green Tea

Green tea is hailed as a remarkable superfood as it is replete with essential compounds that can treat a wide array of health problems. Just a cup of freshly brewed green tea can effectively reduce LDL cholesterol.

4. Avocado

This incredibly nutritious fruit is another superfood that is great for reducing the level of cholesterol. Mainly because, avocados are a great source of unsaturated fat, that can benefit your health.

5. Olive Oil

Including olive oil can help lower your cholesterol. There are several studies that have found that the high content of monounsaturated fat in olive oil can cause a significant reduction in the level of bad cholesterol.

6. Orange Juice

This delicious superfood is incredibly effective in raising the level of HDL, good cholesterol and decreasing the level of bad cholesterol in the blood stream. This is because it is loaded with vitamin C, that causes a decrease in bad cholesterol.

7. Salmon

Salmon is packed with omega 3 fatty acids that are great for reducing the level of bad cholesterol. In addition, salmon has protein in it, that too plays a crucial role in lowering LDL cholesterol.


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