By Steven Bancarz
In spirituality, our “vibration” essentially refers to our energetic state. Our dominant thoughts, our physical health, our emotions, and our beliefs all collectively contribute to the vibrational state of our energy field. The contribute to our “vibes” if you will. When you can feel “vibes” coming from another person, you are literally tapping in to the energy field of that person.
Nobody wants to feel anything other than peace and happiness. There is a long list of things you can incorporate in your lifestyle that will raise your vibration over the course of time, and even immediately. Getting sunlight, loving yourself, eating a healthy diet, spending time with friends, and being out in nature are just some of the more obvious ways.
There are some things, however, that you can do right now regardless of where you are that will help raise your vibrational state. In other words, they will help cultivate more peace of mind, more happiness, more clarity, and more overall wellness immediately. Here are 5 things you can do right away to raise your vibration:
1) Meditation
We all knew this one would be on the list. And we all know about the overwhelming amount of physical, psychological, and spiritual benefits that come with mediation. Yet for some reason, we all kind of resist meditation. I feel resistance arise sometimes before meditation or even during it, even though I know it is fundamental to my evolution. The key is to stop thinking of meditation as a task, or as something you have to do. You don’t have to prepare or do anything fancy.
Just sit right where you are, close your eyes, and just be. Take a break from your life situation. Drop all intention of going somewhere or needing to do anything, and give yourself full permission to completely relax, even if it’s just for 60 seconds. You can do this at the office when your boss isn’t looking, in the bathroom, during commercials on your favourite show, or whenever you would like. The key is to stay relaxed, yet alert without thinking. Just be, as the consciousness that you are. You will always notice an immediate shift in your energetic state, even if you only practice this for 30 seconds. Your body and mind begin to rest, and your brainwaves will actually alter as well. Meditation is not a chore! It’s a vacation. Treat yourself every now and then, and I promise you will see changes in your life.
2) Conscious Breathing
Take 3 conscious breaths right now. No for real. Do it. Take a deep inhale, and be there with the breath the entire way in, and be there with it on the way out. We give so much attention to the redundant thoughts in our heads and so little time to the breath which is constantly giving us life and sustaining our being. Every time you choose to stop what you are doing, turn your attention away from the compulsive thought stream and invest it into the flow of the breath, you are literally making the choice to evolve faster. Every time you take a deep breath, you are cultivating more peace, happiness, stillness, and clarity right away.
I challenge you to take as many conscious breaths as you can throughout the day. At least every 30 minutes, remind yourself to inhale deeply and be present with the flow of your breathing. You are literally taking in more Life Energy when you do this. You will notice that as you begin to get into the habit of doing this on a regular basis, and undercurrent of peace will begin to arise on its own. More energy, more spiritual awareness, right now. Take 3 more before you continue on to the next point.
3) Practice Gratitude

You are not starving to death somewhere. You have clean water to drink. You have a roof to sleep under. But on top of the endless list of things you could be grateful for, here is something to think about. You are on a massive rock whirling around a ball of fire at a speed of 108,000 kph. The sun itself is whizzing along the outskirts of the galactic arm at a rate of 792,000 km/h, and our Milky Way galaxy itself is moving at almost 1 million kph. Nobody knows what caused the universe, why it is here, why/how subjectivity or consciousness exists, or how life formed out of dead inert matter in the first place. I personally believe there is an Intelligence behind it all, but whatever your beliefs may be, here is the most amazing fact of all:
13.6 billion years of star formation and destruction, of chemical evolution, of biological evolution, of countless miraculous events that led to the formation of plants, moons, and ultimately to conscious beings took place so that YOU could experience this moment. Right now. The universe went through all of this so it could experience itself through your perspective. YOU are a f**king miracle. Life is so amazing. Look outside. Here the birds. Feel the wind. You are on a planet in outer space, and nobody knows how or why anything exists at all. Take a look at your friends, your loved ones, and just sit with the internal realization that everything around you is literally a miracle. We so often forget how lucky we are to experience anything at all. Taking a moment to remember the preciousness of life is something that always brings your energetic state to a completely new level.
4) Laughter

“A day without laughter is a day wasted” Charlie Chaplin once said. There is nothing like a good laugh to improve your mood and raise your energetic state. Osho once said, “Life as such has to be taken as cosmic joke – and then suddenly you relax because there is nothing to be tense about. And in that very relaxation something starts changing in you.”
Watch your favourite comedian. Watch a funny movie. Tell a pun or two. Lightheartedness is the best way to approach almost all dilemmas in your life. When you are in a fight or an argument with someone, try to administer a little bit of humour to the situation. Once you can crack a smile out of them, the whole energy field of the room changes and you both realize from this new place of lightheartedness that your connection to each other as people is more important than anything. If you are in a negative circle of thinking, refer back to something that made you laugh in the past. It’s never worth it to not be at peace.
Here is a list of spiritual jokes and puns.
5) Understanding That Life Is Temporary
One of the most humbling realizations is that impermanence is an unchanging truth. You will never get to experience this moment every again. Everything around you will pass with time. The trees, the buildings, relationships, accomplishments. The only things that will remain are memories. Life is so so temporary. We all know how fast time seems to fly by. Whether you believe you have a soul or not, here is a truth that has literally changed the way I see life:
There will be a time in this life where you will be old and near passing. You will be reflecting on your past experiences, on how you spent your time, on all of the great times you had, and maybe even on how often you took life for granted. There will come a time in your life where you would give ANYTHING to be in this position right now. Alive, youthful, healthy. You would give your arm and a leg if you could just experience life as a 20 or 30 or 50-year-old again. Imagine yourself being on your deathbed and wishing you could go back for just 30 seconds to extract more experience from life and to fully appreciate how amazing it is. Consider this moment, right now, being your wish granted. What are you going to do with this moment?

It helps me personally to live with the realization that life is a fleeting experience. It helps cultivate grace, lightness, and love. The key to to raising your vibration won’t be found in a chakra chart or by clutching on to crystals. It lies within the way you choose to interact with this present moment. You can choose mediate, breathe deep, have a laugh, and realize that life is an absolute gift, or you can choose to allow your vibration to be determined by the world around you.
The power is in your hands! It always has been, and it always will be. The more we can own up to our power and improve our energetic state at will, the more peace we will have individually. The more peace we have individually, the more peace we have collectively. World peace literally starts with you and your energy field, and it doesn’t take any longer than 30 seconds sitting in a chair somewhere to completely uplift your vibration.
- See more at: http://www.spiritscienceandmetaphysics.com/5-ways-to-raise-your-vibration/#sthash.YmBIGzF8.dpuf
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