(NaturalNews) When looking to improve your eyesight, it seems that eye exercises are the most commonly prescribed method to do so. Although it is an important component, there are many other factors you need to consider if you want to seriously improve your eyesight.
Detoxify your liver
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is a strong relationship between your liver and eye health. Improving the health of your liver can often help prevent and improve eye conditions.The liver is your main detoxifier and filter of your bloodstream. Any toxins you ingest eventually end up in your liver to be broken down and excreted from your body. The better your liver is at detoxification, the fewer toxins you will have in your body.
However, when the liver becomes compromised, the quantity of toxins increases, causing free radical damage and harm to your organs and tissues. The delicate retina and macula in your eyes are very vulnerable to free radical damage, and it can have a seriously negative impact on your vision. Free radicals can attack the retina and result in the breakdown of healthy tissue.
Liver blood deficiency can cause blurry vision, short sightedness, dry eyes and floaters. If you have excessive liver heat, it can result in painful, burning and blood shot eyes.
Based on these points alone, it becomes apparent that detoxifying your liver is an important component to improving your eyesight naturally.
Nourish your eyes and brain
As a general rule, eating plenty of raw vegetables that are rich in antioxidants and various carotenoids (typically yellow, orange and red pigments) will help protect and improve eyesight. This is mainly accomplished through lutein and zeaxanthin, two specific antioxidants found in large quantities around the lens and retina of the eyes, which have been shown to reduce the risk of macular degeneration.Foods that are high in carotenoids:
• Carrots
• Sweet potatoes
• Pumpkin
• Spinach
• Broccoli
• Goji berries
• Cantaloupe
• Apricots
Another important source is astaxanthin, known as the "King of Carotenoids."
Also consider eyebright herb, cayenne pepper, red raspberry and bayberry bark for additional benefits, as well as foods high in zinc such as pumpkin seeds, spinach, beans, beef and chicken.
Another important part of clear vision is brain function, so ensure that you eat plenty of healthy brain foods as well like wild-caught salmon, avocados, coconut oil, hemp, walnuts and brazil nuts.
Eye exercises
One of the best ways to do eye exercises is to use the sun as the focal point (do not look at it directly but, rather, around it) during less intense sunlight hours (typically before 9 a.m. and after 4 p.m.) in order to strengthen the "oculo-endocrine system."Quite simply, the key to this therapy is the invisible ultraviolet band, and the retina. While the visible bands of light stimulate the retina's cone and rods that produce vision, the invisible band stimulates the adjacent epithelial cells, which transmit the stimulus as a powerful nerve impulse through the optic nerve directly to the pituitary and pineal glands. This is a powerful healing and strengthening exercise for the eyes.
To put this powerful force to use, try the "sun blinking exercise":
• Look once to the north of the sun (about 15 degrees above it) while blinking the eyes for 3-5 seconds
• Do the same after looking to the east (right), south (below) and west (left) of the sun
Again, do not look directly at the sun, as the as the part of the retina we want to hit with the rays of the sun is on the sides and not the center.
Enjoy your new and improved vision.
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