Monday 21 December 2015

Hidden Research Has Recently Surfaced: These Seeds Destroy Cancerous Cells

We often use drugs and pharmaceutical products hoping that they can improve our health and well-being, and they are not supposed to do the opposite.
However, the British Medical Journal conducted a study about chemotherapy pointed out that it is one of the most shameful health misconception which has been killing people year in year out.
Namely, Dr. Hardin B.Jones, a senior professor at Berkley, whose main subjects are physiology and medical physics, measured the life expectancy in patients who underwent chemotherapy as part of their cancer treatment.
His findings were extremely surprising, and he stands behind them 100 %. He discovered that chemotherapy not only doesn’t work, but it’s also responsible for a much shorter lifespan and can cause a more agonizing death.
Contrarily, natural remedies are much more effective and don’t cause any negative effects on our health.
However, this natural medicine and its positive effects in the treatment of cancer even in the more progressive stages have been kept from the public because it can destroy cancer in just 48 hours.
A study by the University of Kentucky examined the positive effects of grape seed extract in the treatment of leukemia and other types of cancer. The findings from the study and the lab tests which were conducted afterwards showed that the grape seeds can eradicate 76% of all cancer and leukaemia cells in just 48 hours.
Furthermore, it was additionally revealed that grape seeds contain a protein called JNK whose main duty is to control the eradication of cancer cells.
This discovery was published in the journal of the American Association for Cancer Research.
The cancer industry continues to spread panic and causes unnecessary fear of mortality, despite all the studies which show the contrary. However, scientific researches are available to the public, and they show that if treated less intrusively and more efficiently, cancer doesn’t have to be that dangerous and it doesn’t have to have fatal consequences.

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