Friday, 30 October 2015

10 Toxic Foods That Should Never Cross Your Lips

Even though this article in fact will list common foods, you must understand that these foods in general do not contain the nutrients they are supposed to.
Instead, they have been subjected to numerous preparation processes and are now loaded with artificial ingredients, which has changed their content and your body simply cannot recognize what to do with them. The frequent consumption of this kind of processed foods can seriously harm your health, and can even lead to cancer.
Fast food
The fast prepared foods are extrenely harmful for your body, as they are full of highly processed meat, sodium and saturated fats.
In the show Super Size Me, a man consumed fast food every single day for every meal. In less than a month, the researcher’s health deteriorated so rapidly that his doctors were seriously concerned for his well-being, and advised him to immediately terminate his experiment. This speaks about the influence fast food has on our health.
Processed meat
Processed meats are very high in nitrates and sodium, which makes them extremely harmful for our wellbeing. Nitrates are converted into nitrites once digested, which can form nitrosamine, a powerful cancer-causing chemical. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, the consumption of these meats is related to an increased risk of colon cancer.
Sugar is often regarded as enemy number one to our health, it is the major reason for obesity and diabetes, and it also negatively affects the pancreas, liver and digestive system. The nervous system is said to be compromised by up to 50 % every time you eat sugar.
Yet, you need to not that not all sugar is equal. Natural sugars in fruits and honey can be beneficial when eaten in moderation.
Flour, even if it does not look that harmful, can have the same effect as the sugar. It puts huge stress on the pancreas and disrupts insulin levels so much that the body is sent into fat-storage mode. The method of processing removes the most nutritious part of wheat, as well as most of the fibers, which means that it is the reason for the loss of all nutrients. Therefore, avoid white flour and white flour products.
The consumption of milk is needed in order to strengthen the bones, but as we age, we lose the ability to digest lactose, the major component of milk, according to the nutritionist and author Patrick Holford.
It leads to bloating, food intolerance, makes our bodies more acidic and provokes inflammatory diseases. You can change to almond, coconut or rice milk for more nutritious, simple to-process options.
Margarine belongs to the group of processed fat, and in most cases, it contains trans-fats, which cannot be processed by the body. It raises the cholesterol level and damages the blood vessels. Whenever we eat foods that are not natural, they become a toxic burden on our system, putting immense stress on the liver. According to the Natural Health Hub, you are much better off avoiding the fake butter margarines and enjoying a little of the real thing.
Canned soups
Canned food are full of salt. Soups are often considered a “healthy” food choice, but some of these soup cans contain as much as 890 milligrams of sodium, which is nearly your full day’s quota. The sodium in the body retains water, which puts some stress on the body ,especially on the heart , causing blood pressure and risk of a heart attack.
The whole preparation of doughnuts is from unhealthy ingredients as white sugar, white flour and trans-fat. It is so called lethal combination for both, you body shape and heart health. The consumption of trans-fat and sugar has been linked with a significantly higher risk of heart disease and diabetes.
Potato crisps
Foods form acrylamide when fried at high temperatures, which is a known carcinogen. “Acrylamide causes several thousand cancers per year in America”, according to Dale Hattis, a research professor at Clark University in Massachusetts. Not only are crisps high in fat, but they are also often coated with salt, which makess them full of sodium. This raises blood pressure and cholesterol and, ultimately, increases your risk of heart attack and stroke.
In addition, a study published in Cancer Science in 2005 discovered the link between high-salt diet and increased gastric cancer.
The truth is that sodas contain no supplements that bolster your body, but they fill your framework with chemicals and sugar that exhaust your collection of supplements. A study distributed in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention expressed that drinking only two soft drinks for a week can double the risk of a man to develop pancreatic cancer.
Dr Joseph Mercola, an American specialist and a New York Times top of the line creator, claims that there are “10 teaspoons of sugar” in only one container of pop and “30 to 55 mg of caffeine, manufactured sustenance hues and sulphites”.
Studies have discovered a tight link between the cosumption of pops and obesity and diabetes. It has been noted that the consumption of soft drinks influences the digestion system and stimulates sugar cravings.

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