Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Vitamin D levels in the blood linked to cardiorespiratory fitness!

Vitamin D levels in the blood are linked to cardiorespiratory fitness, according to a study published today in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, a publication of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).
"Our study shows that higher levels of vitamin D are associated with better exercise capacity," said Dr Amr Marawan, assistant professor of internal medicine, Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia, US. "We also know from previous research that vitamin D has positive effects on the heart and bones. Make sure your vitamin D levels are normal to high. You can do this with diet, supplements, and a sensible amount of sun exposure."
It is well established that vitamin D is important for healthy bones, but there is increasing evidence that it plays a role in other areas of the body including the heart and muscles.
Cardiorespiratory fitness, a reliable surrogate for physical fitness, is the ability of the heart and lungs to supply oxygen to the muscles during exercise. It is best measured as the maximal oxygen consumption during exercise, referred to as VO2 max. People with higher cardiorespiratory fitness are healthier and live longer.
This study investigated whether people with higher levels of vitamin D in the blood have improved cardiorespiratory fitness. The study was conducted in a representative sample of the US population aged 20-49 years using the National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHANES) in 2001-2004. Data was collected on serum vitamin D and VO2 max. Participants were divided into quartiles of vitamin D levels.

Of 1,995 participants, 45% were women, 49% were white, 13% had hypertension, and 4% had diabetes. Participants in the top quartile of vitamin D had a 4.3-fold higher cardiorespiratory fitness than those in the bottom quartile. The link remained significant, with a 2.9-fold strength, after adjusting for factors that could influence the association such as age, sex, race, body mass index, smoking, hypertension, and diabetes.
Dr Marawan said: "The relationship between higher vitamin D levels and better exercise capacity holds in men and women, across the young and middle age groups, across ethnicities, regardless of body mass index or smoking status, and whether or not participants have hypertension or diabetes."
Each 10 nmol/L increase in vitamin D was associated with a statistically significant 0.78 mL/kg/min increase in VO2 max. "This suggests that there is a dose response relationship, with each rise in vitamin D associated with a rise in exercise capacity," said Dr Marawan.
Dr Marawan noted that this was an observational study and it cannot be concluded that vitamin D improves exercise capacity. But he added: "The association was strong, incremental, and consistent across groups. This suggests that there is a robust connection and provides further impetus for having adequate vitamin D levels, which is particularly challenging in cold, cloudy places where people are less exposed to the sun."
On the other hand, Vitamin D toxicity can lead to excess calcium in the blood, which can cause nausea, vomiting, and weakness. "It is not the case that the more vitamin D, the better," said Dr Marawan. "Toxicity is caused by megadoses of supplements rather than diet or sun exposure, so caution is needed when taking tablets."
Regarding further research, Dr Marawan said: "We know the optimum vitamin D levels for healthy bones but studies are required to determine how much the heart needs to function at its best. Randomised controlled trials should be conducted to examine the impact of differing amounts of vitamin D supplements on cardiorespiratory fitness. From a public health perspective, research should look into whether supplementing food products with vitamin D provides additional benefits beyond bone health."

Story Source:
Materials provided by European Society of Cardiology.

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Nutritional experts urge caution over vitamin D review!

Nutritional experts are right to advise caution when interpreting a potentially misleading review that investigates the relationship between vitamin D supplementation and bone health, writes Greg Weatherhead, NPD manager at BetterYou.


The recent meta-analysis assessing the randomised controlled trials (RCTs) conducted on vitamin D supplementation for bone health is a comprehensive review and the results have been interpreted as conclusive.
However, it is well established in the scientific and medical community that vitamin D is required for the proper formation and maintenance of healthy bone mineral density, with a lack of vitamin D leading to rickets in children and osteomalacia (bone softening) in adults.
These deficiencies are treated by supplementing vitamin D. Consequently, the utility of vitamin D for bone health is not in question.
So, one of the main issues is adequately controlling the study. RCTs work well for approving pharmaceutical preparations where there is no risk of consuming the ingredient in day to day life.
However, for vitamins and minerals and especially for vitamin D, these are relatively ubiquitous in our day to day life and for vitamin D specifically it can be obtained by simply being outside in the sun.
As such it becomes very difficult to have an adequately controlled placebo arm of the trial which risks negating any real benefits which may be obtained.
Secondly our bodies do not just require vitamin D for bone health, but a range of different nutrients which work in synergy with each other, including vitamin K2, calcium and magnesium.
Therefore, it is not surprising that an isolated nutrient taken over short period of time (typically less than 3 months) does not have a marked impact on bone health.
Lastly the majority of trials did not select participants based on their vitamin D levels, as such these participants may not even have required additional vitamin D in their diet to improve bone health.
BetterYou recommends and provides a simple home test kit which lets people know their specific vitamin D requirements, if any and we would recommend that this is a strategy adopted by researchers for any future clinical trials, ensuring that the right people get the right levels of vitamin D.
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Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Eating organic reduces your cancer risk!

Eating organic reduces your cancer risk image
Eating organic does make a difference. It reduces your risk of any cancer by around 25 per cent—and you're 73 per cent less likely to develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a cancer of the infection-fighting white blood cells in our immune system.
People who opt for organic aren't eating pesticides and contaminants that are found on non-organic foods, and that could be the difference when it comes to cancer, say researchers from the Institute of Health and Medical Research in France.

In fact, eating organic was even more important than the quality of food, so people eating organic ready-to-eat meals were also less likely to develop cancer than those who rarely if ever chose organic.

The researchers listed 16 organic products—including fruits and vegetables, meat and fish, ready-to-eat meals, vegetable oils and dietary supplements—and tracked how often a group of 68,946 adults ate them. In the average 54 months the volunteers were tracked, 1,340 cases of cancer were recorded, the most prevalent being breast cancer, with 459 cases diagnosed, prostate cancer (180), skin cancer (135) colorectal cancer (99) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (47).

But those who ate the most organic produce were the least likely to have developed cancer. The overall protective effect of organic food was 25 per cent for all cancers, and specifically 73 per cent for non-Hodgkin lymphoma and 21 per cent for post-menopausal breast cancer.
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Monday, 29 October 2018

MS: a solution is just round the corner!

MS: a solution is just round the corner image

How multiple sclerosis (MS) gets triggered is a mystery—but new research suggests that it starts in the gut (just as everything else seems to). If so, the discovery opens the door to a therapy that could finally reverse the auto-immune disease.
Researchers at the University of Zurich have been working on a gut-based solution for several years, and they believe they are close to making their therapy available to MS sufferers.

"We believe that the immune cells are activated in the intestine and then migrate to the brain, where they cause an inflammatory cascade," said one of the researchers, Mireia Sospedra.

In the MS patient, T-cells—the white blood cells that help govern the immune system—react to a protein called GDP-L-fucose synthase that's found in bacteria in the gut.

In their therapy, the researchers take blood from the MS patient, and then add protein fragments to the surface of the red blood cells in order to 're-educate' the immune system to tolerate brain tissue, instead of attacking it.

The only treatments for MS currently available shut down the whole immune system, but this can have serious consequences.


(Source: Science Translational Medicine, 2018; 10(462): eaat4301)

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Friday, 26 October 2018

5 ways to keep energised when the clocks go back!

With the clocks going back this Sunday (28th October) you may be looking forward to that extra hour in bed, but this small change could actually significantly impact your health. We’ve asked the experts for top tips in staying well rested and energised during the shorter winter days.

1. Winter munchies
Do you feel as though you’re more tempted to raid the biscuit tin in the winter months? This may not be a coincidence, according to research[1]. The study from the University of Exeter suggests that people face subconscious urges to over-eat at this time of year due to the fact that in our past, being overweight has not posed a significant threat to survival compared to the dangers of being underweight and we have an urge to maintain body fat more in winter when food in the natural world is scarce.
Dr. Sarah Brewer, working in association with CuraLin Diabetes supplement ( adds, “Our lifestyle is very different to that of people just two generations ago. The modern way of life involves eating excess calories from super-sized meals, processed high-GI foods and snacking between meals. We tend to burn fewer calories than we consume, leading to being overweight and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
“Overeating can not only create weight gain, but reaching for these foods will only make us crash after the initial energy rush, causing a vicious cycle. Don’t be temped to binge eat just because so much food is on offer, especially during the festive period. You can still indulge but try and eat smaller portions, or make up for it by eating lighter meals in between,” explains Jacqueline Harvey, Wellness Expert & Author of Body Cycles (

2. Be sleep savvy
The clocks going back may be a little disorientating at first as our bodies need some time to adjust to the new sleep schedule. To help you feel more rested and ready to hit the sheets, Nutritionist Cassandra Barns recommends taking magnesium. “Magnesium is also known as ‘nature’s tranquiliser’ so try where possible, to add magnesium rich foods to your diet. These include buckweat, sunflower seeds, fish and leafy green vegetables. I’d also recommend taking KalmAssure Magnesium Magnesium Powder, by Natures Plus (£24.50, This is a naturally chelated magnesium which is very easy to absorb and easily delivered to the tissues.”

3. Support your energy with superfoods
With the darker days drawing in it can be even more tempting to wrap yourself up in a blanket to watch some Netflix, however you can boost your energy levels by feeding your body with essential nutrients. This is where the brand new sense* for Busy Lives is at hand (£21.99,

  sense* for Busy Lives has been expertly designed to support the modern lifestyle, to help avoid oxidative stress and reduce fatigue. Containing a range of essential vitamins such as, vitamin B12 and iron to provide a natural energy boost, helping you hit the ground running and tackle your to-do list. An additional benefit of the powders is that the ingredients responsible for the flavour also deliver nutritional benefits and increase the product application and efficacy. From the antioxidant rich acai berry, to beetroot, which is associated with boosting exercise performance, to guarana providing a natural way of getting your caffeine hit,” explains Accredited Nutritionist MSc/BSc at sense* (, Dimitra Sentelidou.

4. Step away from the sugar
“We are born with a sweet tooth so we are naturally drawn to sweet food.  Breast milk is very sweet and it is thought that this natural attraction to sweetness has evolutionary advantages. Sweetness indicates that a food has more calories and, hence, is energy dense: energy-rich foods would have been vital for our survival in the past. Also sweet tastes tend to be a good indicator that a food is safe to eat – bitter tasting foods are more likely to be toxic and would be avoided. However this natural tendency towards sweeter foods means that sugar is often added to a huge variety of different foods in order to make them taste more appealing so we eat more of them,” explains Dr. Marilyn Glenville, author of Natural Alternatives to Sugar, (  
“Once you cut out sugar, your blood sugar levels will stabilise, you will have more energy and you will undoubtedly sleep better. You will also notice a huge array of cosmetic effects – losing sugar will gain you a slimmer body and a clearer, brighter complexion,” adds Marilyn.  

5. Support your energy levels through your gut
“We’re learning more about the importance of the ‘friendly’ bacteria and other microbes that live in our gut. Our gut is often referred to as the body’s second brain as it is teaming with billions of bacteria that help influence our energy levels as well as; immunity, mood, digestion and even brainpower,” explains Cassandra.
The brand-new sense* for Gut Health Capsules (£14.99, can help not only your gut, but also your energy levels! This natural food supplement provides expertly targeted nutrients, supporting gut membranes, digestive enzymes and healthy stomach acids by replacing the harmful bacteria with nutrients that help to heal and maintain a healthy gut. 

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Monday, 22 October 2018

5 problems that most people face when they start a new fitness programme!

IN A PREVIOUS article, I mentioned how we now have so much information one click away to help us out on the right health and fitness path. Long gone are the days where one size fitted all and we had to search far and wide for the correct information for our goals.
The goal of today’s article is give the majority of the readers some guidance that will help them with some of the main factors to overcome I see when working with new clients. These are the most commons obstacles I see on a daily basis when working with new clients coming through the door. A lot of these are simple fixes and I will give you a solution for all the points highlighted.

Mobility needs some work

A movement and mobility assessment is always the first thing I do when working with any client for the first time. Without a doubt, the biggest factor I see with the majority of new clients is that they are quite weak with regards to their mobility. Mobility work isn’t generally seen as cool and a lot of the time you won’t see the fitness industry promote this. The industry rarely sells patience and a lot of the time, its attention is on youth, vanity and intensity.
However, I am a huge believer that your mobility is one of the number one areas you should focus your attention on and should perhaps be one the most important pillars of a workout plan. The more mobile you are, the less restricted you will be when it comes to performing certain movements such as hip hinges, squats and other staples of a training programme. As Gray Cook, physical therapist, says: “You can’t put fitness on dysfunction.”
Source: David Last/YouTube
Here is a simple mobility assessment for you to try. The video is not to show you how poor your mobility is but to help you weigh up where you are at, combat any weak areas and give you that little bit more guidance with going forward with your training. I have compiled articles here and here which give you a lot of the advice you need to know if you fell down on any of the drills above.

Core and glutes are generally quite weak

After a simple movement assessment, the two most common areas that nine times out of 10 show up weak are the glutes and core. These are perhaps two of the most important areas you should have dialed into your gym program.
We spend so much time in the seated position which in turn can force our glutes to become a lot weaker and inactive. My best advice is to incorporate some glute activation drills and strength building movements into your daily routine.
When it comes to assessing core strength, a lot of people fall down here initially. I would regard core work as something you need to be working on almost every time you exercise. Core work is so important and in general I would consider function and performance to be the priority over aesthetics. A lot of the time when I ask a new client what their goal is they mention wanting to improving their core and it seems as though a lot are mixed up between having a strong core and having visual abs, which can be very different things.It seems as though when we mention core they are looking to have a flatter stomach. If you want those abs, yes, you need to do core work but mostly it’s going to come down to your nutrition end of things.
As for a template to look at to improve your core. this doesn’t have to be a 10-minute routine of sit ups. I would advise something a little smarter like a 10-minute routine consisting of variations of holds, carries, twists and rotations. Here are three advanced core movements for you to get working on

Most are chasing intensity over consistency

As I highlighted in a previous article, the way fitness is packaged and sold to us is far too extreme. Everything and anything nowadays has to be tough, full of high volume and  intensity resulting in blood, sweat and tears. Many of us really have bought into this style of training and it seems as though “go hard or go home” is the only successful approach.
For sure, having certain forms of high intensity is great but you don’t want to have this approach with your training in every session. My best advice to anyone that I guide with their training plan is to aim to have an approach that is sustainable with a consistent approach. A good step here is to follow a properly designed program, listen to your body and keep it varied, fun and effective.
Here is a typical 3-4 days per week training template in video format that I would suggest for you to look at.
Source: David Last/YouTube

Have a goal and the right plan mapped out

As soon as I get over the assessment stages complete, I then ask the most important question and that is “What are your goals?”
The key here is to truly find your why — your goals and your reasons for getting after it. It could be physical, mental, anything really. It could be to lose weight, to feel better mentally or it even could be to complete a certain event. Whatever it is, list them off and go after it the right way. A lot of the time I see people make goals and never get to that destination. There are many reasons for this but the most common one is not having the right plan mapped out.
Log your weekly goals and every day write down what went right and what could have gone better. Remember the goal here should be to get 1% better each day. You don’t need to be perfect every single day.This article will help you get more focused and help you achieve your fitness goals

Nutrition/lifestyle approach is a bit of a rollercoaster

The single biggest mistake I see most people making is not tracking their calorie intake so they rely on guesswork as opposed to using an app like My Fitness Pal. Calorie intake is the primary driver to weight/fat loss. On top of that, most just are not getting the basics right with regard to their lifestyle choices. Their quality of sleep ,water intake or even days where they should try to chill and recharge the batteries after a tough week being “switched on” is simple stuff to fix and at the end of the day yet are the big things that really affect us. What I typically see when I look at a client’s food log are:
  • We tend to either be relatively on track Monday-Thursday and as soon as the weekend kicks in, it’s a total overhaul — eating too much with the extra calories coming from either too much junk food/alcohol, and then starting all over again on Monday.
  • Most clients I see initially don’t really have a clue what sort of calories they need to take in on a daily basis for their goals.
  • Most clients generally will fall down on hitting their daily grams of protein.
  • Most think they are drinking enough water but really aren’t when you break it down.
  • Some think they need a special supplement to get them to their goal.
This is one of the best nutrition articles I have put together and it covers 10 of the most important things to get right in your diet.
David Last is a personal trainer based in Dublin. For more information you can follow him on FacebookInstagram and Twitter.

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Fasting can reverse type 2 diabetes!

Fasting can reverse type 2 diabetes image
Type 2 diabetes is very treatable. It can be reversed with a healthy diet—and also by intermittent fasting, researchers have discovered this week.
Fasting for 24 hours intermittently—either every other day or for three days straight—can reverse the condition and eliminate the need for drug treatment.

Diabetics who had been taking insulin and medication for high blood pressure and cholesterol levels were drug-free after 10 months of intermittent fasting, researchers from the University of Toronto have discovered.

The patients weren't going entirely without food. During the 24-hour fast, they could drink low-calorie beverages such as tea or coffee, water or broth, and were allowed one low-calorie meal in the evening.

Fasting was tested on three diabetics, whose problem had become so advanced that they were injecting insulin every day to help break down sugars. Two intermittently fasted every other day, and the third fasted for three days and ate normally the other four days in the week.

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Saturday, 20 October 2018

5 Simple Ways for Parents to Reenergize Every Day!


Wearing the different hats of parenthood requires careful management of the valuable resources of time, money and energy. If we spend any of these carelessly or without replenishment, the results are dire.
While time is a relative constant for everyone and money is variable, the currency of adulthood that we have the most control over is our personal energy. If we spend without replenishing, the consequences can leave us too sick, tired and overwhelmed to fully engage in our own lives, not to mention the lives of those who depend on us.
To do more than merely survive the energy demands placed on you as a parent, a few simple daily tips can help reenergize your physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual energy so you can actually thrive.

Define a Purpose, Create a Short-term Mission
Given the near-constant “noise” of everyday life, it’s easy to become distracted. Beliefs and values that once guided our every action fall by the wayside when we don’t take time to reconnect with them. Large companies create defined mission statements for a reason. They are an articulation of the intention to invest the requisite time, money and energy associated with the company’s core values. Of course, mission statements aren’t just for large companies, and can benefit individuals as well.
Take a moment to write down at least three values that are most important to you as a parent. What would you want your legacy to be with the people you care about the most? Consider these areas:
  • Physical (e.g., health)
  • Mental (e.g., focused, engaged)
  • Emotional (e.g., empathetic, proactive)
  • Spiritual (e.g., aligned, committed)
Is this where you are investing your most conscious, best energy? Where are you out of alignment?
Acting contrary to your deepest beliefs and values can create a tremendous strain on personal energy. Consider addressing one area that is out of alignment and write down small, simple daily actions that can help get you back on track over the next 30 to 60 days.

Gratitude List
When family, work and other aspects of parental life become hectic, we tend to focus on the things that are going wrong. While it’s important to identify and address the challenges in life, if this is all we do, mental and emotional energy is spent much faster than it’s replenished. Over time, our capacity to overcome challenges is diminished.
To stop needless squandering of energy, begin or end each day by writing down three to five (or more) things you are grateful for. This will temporarily disconnect you, if necessary, from the “everything is wrong” train. The result is a brief recovery for your mental and emotional energy, allowing you energy to overcome challenges when you need it.

Exercise does more than shape your body. From an energy standpoint, it enhances the function of your cells. While age alone can decrease physiological and neural capacity, exercise is one of the most powerful weapons in overcoming this decline.
At the most basic level, human brain and body function depend on the transportation of oxygen and glucose. Circulation is the driving force behind this process. The increase in circulation caused by exercise helps nearly every living tissue in the human body.
While exercising does require energy, the impact on your cells creates a net positive energy gain in addition to improving health. Frequent exercisers don’t exercise because they have energy. They have energy because they exercise. Shoot for a total of at least 30 minutes a day of moderately strenuous exercise. For example, go for a brisk walk, hike, bike ride or any other activity you enjoy that makes you breathe hard.

Eat With Your Hands
Cells are the building blocks of the human body. These building blocks are created, maintained and optimized with the material you provide from the food you eat. When quality material is provided in the right amounts, cell function is at its highest and, of course, the reverse is true.
With constantly competing demands for time and energy, it’s no wonder that, when it comes to food, parents often exchange quality for volume and convenience. Eating too much of the wrong type of food is a recipe for diminished health and energy.
Protein (e.g., meat, fish, tofu, grain combos): A portion that is the size and thickness of your palm
Grain/starch (e.g., potato, rice, pasta): 1-2 small handfuls
Fruit/vegetables: 2 or more handfuls
Your hands are in proportion to the size of your body, so this helps address basic differences in caloric needs.
When it comes to what to eat, prioritize foods that are whole. For example, a sweet potato is a sweet potato. There’s nothing added to make it more colorful or crunchy. Pay attention to how certain foods make you feel. If a certain food makes you sleepy, gassy or has any other negative impact, minimize it in your diet.

Create Your Happy
As parents, it often feels as if we spend all of our time making other people happy. What does happiness mean to you? What simple activity always puts a smile on your face? While happiness tends to be associated with grandiose achievements or “big” life events, what simple everyday things or activities recharge your emotional battery?
For some, it’s listening to music or calling a friend. It may be a hobby. It could be something as simple as looking at pictures of your family. Write down simple, specific things you can do in 5, 15, 30 and 60 minutes to change your emotional state for the better. Keep the list somewhere visible so when you start feeling the emotionally taxed, you have a go-to strategy for an energy reboot.
As a parent, your kids, your family and most of all, YOU, need your best energy. Give these simple daily activities a try so you and your loved ones can live extraordinarily.

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Too much fast food could be causing depression!

Too much fast food could be causing depression image

The fatty acids from fast and processed foods could be a cause of depression—and eating more fish could be the antidote.
Although there are many possible reasons why people get depressed, an imbalance of fatty acids could be one, say researchers at the James Cook University in Australia.

Too many n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), or omega 6s—from fast foods—and too few omega-3 fatty acids, which mainly come from fish, seem to contribute to depression.

The researchers were able to carry out some unique research on two islands around the Torres Strait, which were both inhabited. One of the islands had fast-food outlets and the other was less developed and had no takeaway restaurants.

Nineteen of the islanders were diagnosed as having moderate to severe depression, but only three of them lived on the island that didn't have fast-food restaurants. Blood tests confirmed there were differences between the two islanders, and it mainly came down to the levels of omega 3s to 6s.

The standard Western diet is far too high in the omega 6s, and this could be having an impact on the level of depression, the researchers say.

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Thursday, 18 October 2018

Viagra can cause permanent eye damage!

Viagra can cause permanent eye damage image

Viagra may help your love life, but it isn't so good for your eyesight. Taking too much of the drug could permanently damage the retina and affect the way you see colours.
It's well known the drug can cause vision problems, but they seem to be temporary and usually self-correct within 24 hours. But researchers at Mount Sinai Hospital have discovered that the damage can be permanent in people who take the drug for a long period or who overdose.

Although all of us need to be able to see colours, the drug's side effects can be a special problem for people who rely on colour recognition in their work, and they need to be especially careful before they start taking Viagra (sildenafil citrate), the researchers say.

The researchers base their findings on a case study of a 31-year-old man who bought Viagra on the internet, and who took far more than the recommended 50g dose. He complained of seeing a red overlay that affected both eyes very soon after taking the drug, and the problem persisted several days. He was eventually diagnosed with persistent retinal toxicity, and he was still suffering from red-tinted vision problems a year later.

The researchers discovered he had suffered microscopic injury to the cones of his retina, which are responsible for colour vision.

Viagra is designed to treat erectile dysfunction and is now available over-the-counter.

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Wednesday, 17 October 2018

The gold standard for removing mercury!

The gold standard for removing mercury image

Holistic dentist Graeme Munro-Hall shares his protocol for removing your amalgam fillings safely
I started life as a conventional drill, fill and bill dentist. This meant working with amalgam and gold, and doing exactly as I was taught in dental school. It was patch-and-repair dentistry with little intrinsic satisfaction to it.
In my late 20s, I was at an American Dental Association (ADA) conference in the US where I was offered a cardiac check-up. Ten minutes after my measurements had been taken, I was in front of the nurse who, glancing at the data, told me to see the cardiac specialist in the neighbouring booth now. I was the only one selected for this out of a long line of far more elderly dentists than myself.
The cardiologist examined the electrocardiogram, listened to my heart and gave me a blood test. When the blood test came back, it showed massively high levels of 'bad' cholesterols, predisposing factors for a large, probably fatal, heart attack. Furthermore, all these indications were a sign of stress on the heart and that I needed to do something about it urgently, although he could not suggest exactly what should or could be done.
As I later discovered, my problems were entirely due to mercury from dental amalgam. As well as having amalgam and gold fillings myself, I had been using amalgam on a daily basis without any protection since I was a student at dental school. I had my amalgam and other dental metals removed, using a form of the metal-removal protocol we use now on our patients. Although at the time I put myself in the position of an experimental guinea pig, I not only survived the removal, but also felt better. I knew then that we were on to something significant.
The fact that I am here today at over 60 years of age with blood pressure at 125/80 mmHg, blood chemistry the envy of a 30-year-old, no thickening of the arteries, a heart back in its place and a low cholesterol level is wholly the result of all our efforts and research.
The IAOMT protocol
The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) has established the recommended minimum treatment protocol for safe removal of dental amalgam. This should be followed whenever amalgam fillings (or other dental metals) are being removed. The point of the protocol below is to minimize the amount of mercury released from the patient and absorbed by the dental staff when drilling out old amalgams.

- The patient breathes a separate air or oxygen supply
- The operator and staff wear mercury-absorbing masks
- The patient wears eye protection
- Amalgams are 'chunked' out, not ground out
- High-speed drills are used with copious amounts of water irrigation and coolant
- The air in the operating room is filtered to remove mercury vapour
- A rubber dam or 'clean-up' tips are used to isolate the teeth during amalgam removal
- The patient's skin and clothing is covered, with only minimal skin exposure
- The mouth is constantly rinsed to remove amalgam particles and mercury vapour
- High-speed suction is in use at all times in the mouth.
Failure to observe these rudimentary steps will increase mercury exposure to the patient. Naturally, it also goes without saying that the debris collected (the old amalgam) must be responsibly disposed of to protect the environment. Regulations about waste mercury are rather stringent because it is recognized by various environmental agencies as an extremely hazardous substance.
My additional 'V-Tox' protocols
The V-Tox method described below uses the IAOMT protocol, but goes even further.
  • The patient must be prepared by taking the appropriate supplements before fillings are removed.
  • Intravenous vitamin C with glutathione is administered to the patient during or immediately after metal or amalgam removal for one to four days. The amount of vitamin C depends on the weight and condition of the patient, but a minimum of 0.75 g/kg body weight, diluted in Ringer's (sodium) lactate solution (to replace lost fluids and electrolytes), and 800-1,500 mg of glutathione are used for every infusion. In some cases, two infusions are given daily (see box, page 55). Vitamin C and glutathione bind to mercury and remove it effectively and safely from the body. Indeed, intravenous vitamin C is the cornerstone of my V-Tox therapy.
  • Preparation for removal varies a little from patient to patient, but the basic principles are that the patient's blood pH and basal temperature are measured for a week beforehand, then repeated three months after treatment and compared as a measure of progress.
How vitamin C removes mercury
Vitamin C is a reducing agent: it removes metals from the body not by chelation, as do DMPS, DMSA or EDTA, but by oxidation/reduction reactions—similar to what the body does. Chelation, on the other hand, chemically grabs the metals and minerals, and strips them from the body, along with all the essential minerals, such as magnesium and copper. This is the danger of chelating agents, especially with long-term use.
Vitamin C works by donating an electron, which is essentially what antioxidants do. When mercury is bound to tissues, it is forced to accept an electron from vitamin C and, when it does this, the bond is weakened and the metal is released.
Imagine a mercury atom hanging on by one hand like a monkey to a branch in a tree. Along comes vitamin C and gives the monkey a banana (an electron); the monkey makes a grab for the banana, but then falls from the tree. Mercury in this state is less reactive and finds it difficult to rebind itself to tissues.
While in this state, glutathione wraps the mercury up securely and takes it to the colon, where it is excreted. After glutathione does this, it needs to be regenerated so it can wrap up more mercury. Regenerating glutathione also requires an electron from vitamin C. So if enough vitamin C is available, glutathione can keep on regenerating and removing mercury, plus a host of other toxins as well.
In addition, vitamin C rehydrates cells, allowing them to revert back to their proper shape. Cells function properly only when they are the correct shape, as they interact with body messenger hormones through lock-and-key mechanisms on the cell membrane. Vitamin C also powers up mitochondria, the energy providers of cells, allowing the cells to work at a high rate of efficiency.
Oral vitamin C dosages
Vitamin C given orally can cause looseness of the bowels. This is called 'bowel tolerance', and it varies from individual to individual and according to the degree of ill health of the individual. For maintenance of health, far higher doses are required: at least 1,000 mg/day.
On a personal note, I have taken vitamin C daily for nearly 30 years at a dose of 10,000-20,000 mg (10-20 g) to remove mercury and recover from my heart condition, and I have had only positive effects.
Intravenous vitamin C dosages
Vitamin C used intravenously has an entirely different effect. Intravenous vitamin C (IV-C) actually sucks water from the bowel, so instead of producing loose bowels, it has a tendency towards constipation. However, this is mitigated by the thirst patients then experience when receiving IV-C, a thirst that should be satisfied only with good-quality water.
There is a threshold for the amount of IV-C needed for a therapeutic effect: 0.75 g of IV-C per kg of body weight. This is the minimum; under severely toxic conditions, this can go up to 1 g of IV-C per kg of body weight. In patients with severe cavitation or other infections, two infusions of IV-C may be given on the same day. This will speed up the rate of healing enormously, reduce the risk of infection, reduce the chances of postoperative swelling and bruising, and reduce pain.
These high doses are diluted in Ringer's lactate solution to a ratio of one part vitamin C to four parts Ringer's. The IV-C is also buffered to make its pH compatible with that of the patient's blood. Ringer's lactate solution itself contains blood plasma and electrolytes to the same ratio as found in the blood circulation.
This infusion is given at a rate of 72 drops per minute; this means that an average infusion will last between two to three hours. A saline solution may be used instead of Ringer's, but this may cause dizziness and a feeling of disorientation in some patients.
When not to use IV-C
The only contraindication to the use of IV-C is a deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD). However, G6PD is a liver enzyme that is rarely found to be deficient—we ourselves have come across it only twice in more than 20 years. It is found usually, but not always, in people of Eastern Mediterranean or African descent. A simple blood test can determine if G6PD deficiency is present.
Kidney disease or dysfunction is often stated as a contraindication of IV-C use. This is not the case; in fact, the exact opposite is true.
Your treatment programme
  • Get a thorough dental examination beforehand
  • Have a treatment plan for removing dental metals and infections
  • Use supplements to raise antioxidant status and regulate blood pH
  • Dental treatment should be carried out over two days
  • IV-C should be used at high doses and administered for three to four days, including the days of dental treatment; more infusions may be required
  • Maintain a high level of antioxidants and minerals in the body for eight months
  • Monitor your progress at three-, eight- and 18-month intervals
  • Go for additional therapies if indicated.

The mercury-removal diet
• Eliminate sugar and refined flour completely
• Eat butter and yoghurt, but reduce or eliminate milk
• Increase the number of eggs and good protein
• No alcohol (it's a form of sugar), no caffeine and no undiluted fruit juices
• Drink clean mineral water at a minimum of 1 L/day
• Stick to this diet during the preparation and treatment phase, and mostly keep to it afterwards as well.
Excerpted from Toxic Dentisty Exposed by Graeme Munro-Hall (Browsebooks, 2009)

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Tuesday, 16 October 2018

1 in 5 new mums hate their post-baby body!

The Baby Show has revealed that new mums are feeling depressed about their post-baby bodies and pressured to get back into shape.  In a survey of 1,000 new mums, one in five (20%) say they hate their post-baby body while just 12% thought it was amazing.  A whopping 79% of new mums don’t like their body as much as they did before they fell pregnant, with more than half (52%) saying they feel pressured to get back into shape after having a baby.
The biggest pressure, however, came from the mums themselves with 50% of mums saying that they put the most pressure on themselves. Meanwhile, a huge 92% of new mums believe that the media and representation of celebrity mums set unrealistic expectations on mothers to get back to their pre-pregnancy body too soon after birth.

Charlie Launder, pre and post-natal fitness expert and speaker at The Baby Show says: “It is such a shame that so many mums dislike their post-baby bodies.  I think that social media does have a part to play in this, not for everyone, but it is a platform that provides immediate access  for comparison at a time when a  woman’s body is changing beyond their control.
“A surge in hormones in a new mum can be very tough on themselves anyway and then seeing other mums looking like they’ve got it all sorted can be hard. We all just need to remember that Instagram is just a snapshot, often the best part of the day or week, and everyone has their own insecurities and struggles. It is worth noting that Instagram is also an incredible hub of support and education for new parents and is great for showing mums what is safe for them to do when getting back into exercise. 
“I think that women are put under a lot of pressure, but often by no one other than themselves. We have no idea how our body is going to react to pregnancy and birth, so these expectations we put on ourselves are plucked completely out of thin air and often very unrealistic. In reality, those that matter to you most don't care what you look like, they think you're beautiful and amazing.”

When it comes to exercising, 85% of new mums said that it has helped their mental health after having a baby.  The most popular form of exercise amongst new mums is walking with their baby (51%), followed by swimming (13%) and yoga or Pilates (11%).
Charlie adds: “Having a baby changes your whole world, mostly for the better but change is always daunting. Exercising again can give you that feeling of taking back some control and ownership of your body again. It is a small part of the day that is focused on you and only you (even if your baby is with you!) and this is so important to make time for. It is often a time to meet up with another adult, be it a personal trainer or a friend who you can talk to about non-baby related things which can really help. There are a huge number of mental benefits of exercise, but this doesn't have to mean going to the gym; it can just as easily be a walk in the park or some time for yoga - anything that gets the blood pumping a little bit and those endorphins into your system!”

Many new and expectant mums don’t know where to start when it comes to exercising – both during pregnancy and once their baby has arrived.  To help new mums model, influencer and presenter, Georgia Jones will be on stage at The Baby Show, with MadeForMums on Saturday 20th October alongside personal trainer, Charlie Launder from Bumps & Burpees, to discuss how she coped and give parents realistic goals and expectations.
The Baby Show, with MadeForMums, is the must-attend event for new and expectant parents looking for all the essential products and ideas on what they need as they make their first steps into parenthood.  Returning to Olympia London from Friday 19th until Sunday 21st October, the show gives parents the opportunity to compare, try and buy – all under one roof. 
As well as Georgia and Charlie, there will be an exciting line-up of speakers taking to the stage across the three days, giving advice on sleep, birth, breastfeeding, weaning, health and wellbeing as well as celebrities sharing their experiences.  Experts confirmed include Lucy Shrimpton, The Sleep Nanny®, Madeleine Shaw, nutritional therapist and bestselling cookery writer, Lesley Gilchrist, midwife and birth trauma expert, Anna Williamson, TV presenter and life coach, Dr Robert Titzer, infant learning expert, Vanessa Christie, breastfeeding expert and lactation consultant, Andrea Grace, sleep expert, Clare Byam-Cook, breastfeeding expert to the stars and Milli Hill, birth guru and author of The Positive Birth Book. 

If you’re looking for more confidential advice, experts will be on hand throughout the Show to answer your pregnancy and parenting questions in the private, One-to-One with the Experts area, sponsored by My Expert Midwife.  The British Red Cross will also be running their hugely popular, regular half-hour workshops where visitors can learn essential life-saving first aid skills on what to do for your baby in an emergency.  Free of charge, you can just turn up, register and enjoy.  The NCT will also be on hand to provide 45-minute Antenatal and Postnatal classes, jam-packed with information and advice on everything from essential baby care to colic and crying.  Ticket packages are pre-bookable in advance for the NCT classes via
The Baby Show, the UK’s leading pregnancy and parenting event, runs from three days – Friday 19th – Sunday 21st October and is open from 10 am until 5.30pm each day.
The advance ticket price is £14.70pp* on Friday and £15.70pp* for either the Saturday or Sunday, saving over 25% of the on-the-door ticket value.  On-the-door tickets cost £20pp.  To purchase tickets and for more information visit
Olympia London, Olympia Way, London, W14 8UX.

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10 Essential Oils For Relieving Gout Pain!

 Gout is a kind of arthritis that is characterized by sudden, severe attacks of pain and swelling, redness and tenderness in the joints, often in the joints of the big toe. In this article, we will be discussing the essential oils that can provide relief to gout pain. Generally, gout affects the joints of the toe, but also it can occur in other joints of the body like elbows, wrist, thumbs, ankle and earlobe. Gout is formed when urate crystals accumulate in your joints, causing inflammation and intense pain. Urate crystals are formed when you have high levels of uric acid in your body. Essential Oils For Gout Pain However, according to the Arthritis Foundation, other causes of gout include gender, age, genes, health conditions, diet, medications, obesity, alcohol, soda and bypass surgery. A gout attack is very painful because it accompanies with inflammation. You can use essential oils to get instant relief from gout pain. Here is a list of essential oils to relieve gout pain. 

1. Rosemary Essential Oil Rosemary is a common kitchen herb that has medicinal properties. Rosemary essential oil possesses astringent properties, antibacterial, antioxidant, analgesic and anti-arthritic properties which are very useful in treating gout. When the oil is applied on the skin, it warms up the area and numbs the nerves to give relief from the pain. 
Array 2. Frankincense Essential Oil This essential oil has been mainly used for its calming aroma in perfumes and incense for a thousand years. But, when researchers from the Department of Pharmacology,Regional Research Laboratory tested the effects of boswellic acids extracted from frankincense on inflammation, they found that it has an anti-inflammatory effect on gout. Frankincense is extracted from the resin of the Boswellia tree. 
Array 3. Basil Essential Oil Basil has been used as a medicinal herb for many years and has several health benefits. Gout causes inflammation in the joints which leads to a severe burning sensation and basil possesses anti-inflammatory properties which can bring relief from swelling and inflammation and reduce the burning sensation due to its cooling properties.
 Array 4. Lemongrass Essential Oil Lemongrass essential oil helps in treating gout due to its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. A study ‘Bioactivity analysis of lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) essential oil' was published in the International Food Research Journal which stated that this essential oil could reduce the uric acid levels when consumed. 
Array 5. Thyme Essential Oil Thyme has a nice aroma and adds flavour to cooking. Thyme essential oil is known to have several compounds like ursolic and oleanolic acids that exhibit anti-inflammatory properties and flavonoids. It helps in lowering inflammation by inhibiting nitric oxide, a molecule that increases inflammation according to a study published in the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 
Array 6. Olive Oil Olive oil has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and comes with a lot of health benefits. In the Mediterranean region, extra virgin olive oil is considered a folk remedy for gout and rheumatoid arthritis as it contains polyphenols like oleocanthal, oleuropein, hydroxytyrosol and lignans. 
Array 7. Chamomile Essential Oil Chamomile extracts have flavonoid compounds like quercetin, luteolin, and apigenin that have anti-inflammatory properties. It also possesses analgesic properties which can effectively reduce gout pain, thereby providing relief from gout. 
Array 8. Ginger Oil Extract Ginger is used both as a spice and as a medicine. It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-gout properties that can reduce uric acid levels and prevent future gout attacks, according to a study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Just dilute the ginger essential oil with a carrier oil and apply on the area. 
Array 9. Celery Seed Oil According to a study, ‘Combination anti-inflammatory therapy: synergism in rats of NSAIDs/corticosteroids with some herbal/animal products', Indian celery seed oil acts by enhancing the effects of gout medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids. The oil possesses anti-inflammatory properties which reduce swelling. 
Array 10. Tea Tree Essential Oil Tea tree essential oil has antimicrobial and antifungal properties which are perfect for treating conditions like gout. Blend tea tree essential oil with a carrier oil and apply topically over the area, this desensitizes inflamed nerve endings thus relieving gout pain. Tips For Using Essential Oils Always dilute essential oils with a carrier oil such as coconut oil, olive oil or jojoba oil. Never apply the essential oil directly on the skin. To test whether you have an allergic reaction to any specific essential oil, apply a small amount of oil mixture on your hand and wait for two days to check the results. Avoid taking essential oils orally as many of them are toxic. Speak with your doctor before using essential oils as they may interfere with your prescription medications.
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Monday, 15 October 2018

Gum disease linked to Alzheimer's!

Gum disease linked to Alzheimer's image  
Long-term gum disease could be a trigger for Alzheimer's, new research suggests. The bacteria from poor teeth and gums help form the plaques in the brain that are associated with Alzheimer's.
It's already known that gum disease—also known as periodontal disease—can cause cognitive problems, but researchers at the University of Illinois have discovered that it could also be causing Alzheimer's.

Periodontal bacteria help form the senile plaques that are associated with Alzheimer's and which cause its distressing symptoms. The effects of the bacteria from bleeding gums and poor teeth almost exactly mirror the brain inflammation seen in Alzheimer's patients, the researchers say.

The DNA from the bacteria was found in the brain tissue of wild mice they tested and demonstrates that bacteria from the mouth can make their way to the brain.

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