Thursday 30 April 2015

This Is What Sugar Does To Your Brain

 By Carolyn Gregoire
We know that too much sugar is bad for our waistlines and our heart health, but now there's mounting evidence that high levels of sugar consumption can also have a negative effect on brain health -- from cognitive function to psychological wellbeing.
While sugar is nothing to be too concerned about in small quantities, most of us are simply eating too much of it. The sweet stuff -- which also goes by names like glucose, fructose, honey and corn syrup -- is found in 74 percent of packaged foods in our supermarkets. And while the Word Health Organization recommends that only 5 percent of daily caloric intake come from sugar, the typical American diet is comprised of 13 percent calories from sugar.
“Many Americans eat about five times the amount of sugar they should consume,”Natasa Janicic-Kahric, an associate professor of medicine at Georgetown University Hospital, told The Washington Post.
It's easy to see how we can get hooked on sugar. However, we should be aware of the risks that a high-sugar diet poses for brain function and mental well-being.
Here's what you need to know about how overconsumption of sugar could wreak havoc on your brain.
It creates a vicious cycle of intense cravings.
When a person consumes sugar, just like any food, it activates the tongue's taste receptors. Then, signals are sent to the brain, lighting up reward pathways and causing a surge of feel-good hormones, like dopamine, to be released. Sugar "hijacks the brain’s reward pathway," neuroscientist Jordan Gaines Lewis explained. And while stimulating the brain's reward system with a piece of chocolate now and then is pleasurable and probably harmless, when the reward system is activated too much and too frequently, we start to run into problems.
"Over-activating this reward system kickstarts a series of unfortunate events -- loss of control, craving, and increased tolerance to sugar," neuroscientist Nicole Avena explained in a TED-Ed video.
In fact, research has shown that the brains of obese children actually light up differently when they taste sugar, reflecting an elevated "food reward" response. This suggests that their brain circuitry may predispose these children to a lifetime of intense sugar cravings.
It impairs memory and learning skills.
A 2012 study on rats, conducted by researchers at UCLA, found that a diet high in fructose (that's just another word for sugar) hinders learning and memory by literally slowing down the brain. The researchers found that rats who over-consumed fructose had damaged synaptic activity in the brain, meaning that communication among brain cells was impaired.
Heavy sugar intake caused the rats to develop a resistance to insulin -- a hormone that controls blood sugar levels and also regulates the function of brain cells. Insulin strengthens the synaptic connections between brain cells, helping them to communicate better and thereby form stronger memories. So when insulin levels in the brain are lowered as the result of excess sugar consumption, cognition can be impaired.
"Insulin is important in the body for controlling blood sugar, but it may play a different role in the brain," Dr. Fernando Gomez-Pinilla, the study's lead author, said in a statement. "Our study shows that a high-fructose diet harms the brain as well as the body. This is something new."
It may cause or contribute to depression and anxiety.
If you've ever experienced a sugar crash, then you know that sudden peaks and drops in blood sugar levels can cause you to experience symptoms like irritability, mood swings, brain fog and fatigue. That's because eating a sugar-laden donut or drinking a soda causes blood sugar levels to spike upon consumption and then plummet. When your blood sugar inevitably dips back down (hence the "crash"), you may find yourself feeling anxious, moody or depressed.
Sugar-rich and carb-laden foods can also mess with the neurotransmitters that help keep our moods stable. Consuming sugar stimulates the release of the mood-boosting neurotransmitter serotonin. Constantly over-activating these serotonin pathways can deplete our limited supplies of the neurotransmitter, which can contribute to symptoms of depression, according to Dr. Datis Kharrazian, functional medicine expert and author of Why Isn't My Brain Working?.
Chronically high blood sugar levels have also been linked to inflammation in the brain. And as some research has suggested, neuroinflammation may be one possible cause of depression.
Teenagers may be particularly vulnerable to the effects of sugar on mood. A recent study on adolescent mice, conducted by researchers at Emory University School of Medicine, found a diet high in sugar to contribute to depression and anxiety-like behavior.
Research has also found that people who eat a standard American diet that's high in processed foods -- which typically contain high amounts of saturated fat, sugar and salt -- are at an increased risk for developing depression, compared to those who eat a whole foods diet that's lower in sugar.
It's a risk factor for age-related cognitive decline and dementia.
A growing body of research suggests that a sugar-heavy diet could increase risk for developing Alzheimer's disease. A 2013 study found that insulin resistance and blood glucose levels -- which are hallmarks of diabetes -- are linked with a greater risk for developing neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's. The research “offers more evidence that the brain is a target organ for damage by high blood sugar,”endocrinologist Dr. Medha Munshi told the New York Times.
Some researchers, in fact, have even referred to Alzheimer's as "Type 3 Diabetes" -- which suggests that diet may have some role in an individual's risk for developing the disease.

Will Next-Generation Wearable Sensors Make Us Healthier?

Zhenyu Li

There is certainly no shortage of headlines on wearable sensors these days. “A contact lens measures your glucose level.” “New electronic tattoos could help monitor health during normal daily activities.” A “headband can read your brainwaves.” Numerous wearable sensors are currently on the market that can monitor body data including activity and sleep,heart rategalvanic skin response, and electrocardiogram (ECG). But are these wearables making any difference? Are they actually making us healthier?
The answer is not clear yet. And the challenges are plenty.
Working Against Wearables
First, there is the quick abandonment issue. A recent study conducted by Endeavor Partners found that one-third of American customers stopped using their wearable activity trackers after just six months. Some attribute this problem to the fact that every so often the user needs to take off and recharge the device. Every time you remove a wearable sensor, it’s an opportunity to forget to put it back on again.
The joy of tracking loses its luster over time. Chris MessinaCC BY-NC-SA
Others believe current wearables get cast aside because they don’t possess the magic ability to change human behaviors. Don’t we all know that regular exercise, eating healthy food and sleeping well are good for our health? Wearing a wristband alone will not make us do such things. Unless wearables can provide additional actionable incentives or insights that lead to long-term behavior change, their impact is rather limited. The million-dollar question is: what will such actionable incentives for users look like?
It’s also not clear what’s the best format for wearable sensors. The majority of wearables in the market today are wristbands or watches. However, it’s very difficult to get reproducible clinical-quality data from the wrist, as Apple discovered when developing its upcoming Apple Watch.
Even Apple couldn’t get some features to work well. Apple
According to the Wall Street Journal, after a long and costly development process, Apple had to abandon some of the health monitoring functions, such as ECG and skin conductivity sensors, because “these features didn’t perform consistently on some people, including those with hairy arms or dry skin. Results also varied depending on how tightly the person wore the Watch.” If Apple cannot pull it off, it is certainly a challenging task.
Before wearable sensors can deliver their promise, they must overcome some serious technological challenges.
What Wearables Must Do
What will next-generation wearable sensors do in order to succeed? Here’s my guess.
First, future wearable sensors should be “wear-and-forget.” After the sensor is put on, it should simply disappear into the background and quietly acquire data without the need for recharge, without disturbing the user’s daily life and without others even noticing it. Instead of wrist-worn, future unobtrusive wearable sensors may look like something that is completely indistinguishable from a normal wedding ring.
One way to solve the recharging problem is to harvest energy from the environment. For example, radio frequency (RF) waves are ubiquitous and always around us due to cellular networks, WiFi and radio stations. Researchers at University of Washington have built a complete ambient RF-powered sensor for wireless temperature measurements. Another always-on energy source for wearables is the body’s own heat. Recent work from the University of Virginia and University of Washington demonstrated a body heat-powered ECG sensor which is the size of a grain of rice (2.5mm by 3.3mm) and consumes only 19uW (about 10 millionth of the power needed by a regular light bulb). Unless it’s broken, this device can last forever and track the user’s ECG continuously as a skin patch.
Such technological breakthroughs may one day enable truly wear-and-forget sensors which users never need to worry about once put on.

Nanoparticles, like in this artist’s rendition, can deliver chemotherapy drugs directly to cancer cells. Will wearable sensors be able to monitor their progress from outside the body? Argonne National LaboratoryCC BY-NC-SA
Future wearable sensors should also be able to measure disease-specific markers inside the body, not just the physiological signals or vital signs from the body surface. For example, Google X is working on magnetic nanoparticles circulating in the body to search for cancer, with the results to be read out by a wearable device. This is a tall order and we don’t yet know if they can successfully pull it off.
This temporary tattoo can measure glucose in the fluid between skin cells. Jacobs School of Engineering/UC San DiegoCC BY-NC-ND
Another promising way to sense what’s happening inside the body might be to measure chemicals from sweat. For example, researchers from the University of Cincinnati and the University of California, San Diego are working on wearable sensors that can measure electrolytes, metabolites and other molecules from the sweat. If such capabilities become a reality, wearable sensors' clinical values will increase dramatically by providing molecular information that is more specific to a certain condition, such as cortisol level in chronic stress.
Prove Clinical Utilities
Finally, the single most important factor that will determine next-gen wearable sensors' success or failure is whether they can actually contribute to better health outcomes.
Many physicians and researchers, including me, believe in the transformative potential of wearable health sensors. Just as smartphones decentralized computing and communication, wearable sensors hold the potential to decentralize and democratize health care, changing it from reactive to proactive, from one-size-fits-all to personalized medicine. With the right wearable sensors, consumers gain the power to continuously monitor their own health status; at doctor’s appointment, the patient can provide both quantitative baseline and abnormal health data to the physician. This scenario could fundamentally change how health care is delivered.

What will the next generation of sensors detect? WestKastle, CC BY-NC-SA
However, the burden is now on wearable sensor developers to provide unambiguous proof that such sensors can improve health. We need to make the jump from just collecting the data that’s easy to collect, to collecting and using data for real medical purposes. Recently, some wearable sensor makers, such as iRhythm, started to provide clinical study data that support their device’s clinical value. Such trends will likely continue for future wearable sensors.
Are wearable sensors fad or the future? The answer to this question will ultimately depend on clear evidence that they do make us healthier.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Moringa Leaf Powder for Hair and Nails

                    Moringa Leaf Powder for Hair and Nails

Russian scientists create ‘bio-cement’ for human bones

Russian scientists have created a new biological material they called “bone cement”, which after 3D printing into a fracture or a crack, completely dissolves over time, while in its place the human body regenerates the missing part of the bone tissue.
The new substance based on biological hydroxyapatite was created by scientists of the Russian National Research Nuclear University’s affiliate in the Siberian city of Seversk, Tomsk region.
“We have created material that the organism takes as original,” professor Vitaly Guzeev said in the statement. The material is soft and flexible but hardens after application. The material is not rejected by the body and has huge broad potential in surgery, ranging from dentistry and cosmetology.
Screenshot from video by Rossiya 24 TV channel
“On the basis of hydroxyapatite, we prepared a liquid material that we can fill a 3D-printer with,”professor has explained. Scientists hope to use tomography images and 3D printer to recreate, fit and match the missing bone part using minute specification.
The new material, which authors themselves call “bone cement” was conceived almost by accident.
Initially, scientists were working on the composition, which when applied to titanium prostheses would accelerate recovery. Then they thought why not make this material as strong as titanium, but without iron impurities.
“The bone marrow contains mesenchymal cells that always migrate to the damaged tissue areas. They detect our matter as something that can take part in biochemical processes and start processing it to enable [cell] division. Regeneration is cell division itself. As a result, a new bone tissue is produced with its own blood vessels and nerve cells,” Guzeev explained.
Screenshot from video by Rossiya 24 TV channel
All components of the material are of natural origin, as the substance is derived from animal bones. This enables the body to adopt to it and accelerate the healing process.
Applying the “cement” results in the regeneration of real bone tissue with blood vessels and even nerve fibers. Unlike with titanium, which is often used in surgery to hold bones together, removing the material from the body after the regeneration is complete, is no longer necessary.
After animal studies demonstrated that the “bone cement” could actually help heal fractures and cracks, scientists started preparing documents for clinical trials, after which they hope to set up production in St. Petersburg.

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Weirdest Workout Trends

Weirdest Workout Trends

Wonder Woman Workout

It’s not everyday you get to train like an Amazon Princess. Lower body strength, agility and endurance do not come easily. So work for what you want and you will get what you seek.

Instructions: Repeat each move one after the other with no rest in between until the set is done, rest up to 2 minutes and repeat the whole set again as many times as you can depending on your fitness level – maximum of 10 times.

What it works: laterals abs, lower abs, quads, glutes, shoulders, triceps, core, abductors cardiovascular system, aerobic capacity, abs, cheat.

Tips: When performing the sitting cross-punches, exhale forcefully every time you punch out completely emptying your lungs of air. This tightens up the abdominal wall further and forces the body to twist a little more generating more power in the movement and helping you gain more, faster.

Mother with womb transplant says risk paid off

Mother with womb transplant says risk paid off

Monday 27 April 2015

Morning waist training workout

Morning waist training workout

Do you want to lose weight in your waist ? Today, we will tell you the morning waist training workout.
Type 1:
1.Lying on mats, your hands naturally placed on her sides, palms down on the mat. Legs, knees, foot stepping on a mat.
2.Lie on your back on the mat, your hands naturally placed on her sides, palms down on the mat. Legs, knees, foot stepped on the mat and abdominal strength, and above the shoulder as a fulcrum on two feet, slightly lift the body, movements for 20 seconds.
3, lying on mats, your hands naturally placed on her sides, palms down on the mat. Legs, knees, foot stepped on the mat and abdominal strength, try to lift the body, movements for 20 seconds.
Type 2:
1.Sitting on the mat, legs, knees and feet step on the mat. Right hand bends forward shoulder height, palms down and stacked on the back of his right hand with his left hand, action for 20 seconds.
2.Sat on the mat, legs, knees and feet step on the mat. Right hand bends forward shoulder height, palms down and stacked on the back of his right hand with his left hand, upper body to the left, action for 20 seconds, then at the other repetitive movements.


Athletes need a well functioning immune system
Over the years, thousands of sports supplements have been created and marketed to athletes, but more recently compounds found in plants called phytochemicals are showing great potential in exercise performance.
One of these, quercetin, has risen in prominence for its antioxidant and immune-supportive properties in athletes (1). Quercetin comes from the family of flavonoids, which provide many of the colors in fruits and vegetables where they serve as defenders against invading microbes, radiation from the sun, and other environmental dangers (2). Quercetin itself is found in a variety of foods including apples and green tea.
Scientists have long studied flavonoids for their possible health benefits. However, there is a growing realization that single types of flavonoids increase their benefit when mixed with other flavonoids and compounds. When taken together, they may build upon each other, improving absorption, bioavailability, and overall immunity in the body.
Often neglected but important to athletes is the capacity to protect from negative effects on the immune system due to hard training. Athletes who train hard are more prone to stress in muscle from free radicals and impaired immune function (3). Using nutrients and bioactives to aid immune function, or “immunonutrition,” is highly relevant to athletes who wish to avoid time off from training.
In fact, just one heavy training session can lead to physiological stress and significant changes in immunity and elevations in stress hormones (4;5). During this “open window” of impaired immunity, which can last between three and 72 hours, there’s an increased risk of illness and injury (6). Epidemiological and exercise immunology studies already support the viewpoint that heavy exercise workloads increase health risk through altered immune function (4).
A recent study investigated the effects of quercetin supplementation on exercise-induced changes in immune function using 40 trained male cyclists who were randomly placed into two groups: one taking quercetin and the other taking a placebo over a period of three weeks (7). The group that received quercetin significantly bolstered immune support during two weeks after intensified exercise.
Moreover, when quercetin supplementation is combined with other polyphenols and food components such as green tea extract and fish oil, athletes can achieve even greater benefits. Other studies have found that two weeks of quercetin supplementation combined with green tea extract and fish oil caused a sizable reduction in exercise-induced oxidative stress (5;6;8). The research suggests that a combination of healthy eating and supplementation with this quercetin-based cocktail functioned as a safe method for athletes to stay well.
Athletes should not solely rely on supplements to get all their dietary intake of phytochemicals and bioflavonoids. Proper intake of fruits and vegetables not only offers great nutritional variety, but also high levels of bioflavonoids. Look to kale, onions, sweet potato, blueberries, and apples to name a few with flavonoids like quercetin.
  1. Bischoff SC. Quercetin: potentials in the prevention and therapy of disease. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care 2008;11:733-40.
  2. Lila MA. From Beans to Berries and Beyond. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2007;1114:372-80.
  3. Williams MH. Sports supplements: quercetin. ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal 2011;15:17-20.
  4. Nieman DC. Is infection risk linked to exercise workload? Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2000;32:S406-S411.
  5. Nieman DC, Henson DA, Maxwell KR et al. Effects of quercetin and EGCG on mitochondrial biogenesis and immunity. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2009;41:1467-75.
  6. Nieman DC, Henson DA, Maxwell KR et al. Effects of quercetin and EGCG on mitochondrial biogenesis and immunity. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2009;41:1467-75.
  7. Nieman DC, Henson DA, Gross SJ et al. Quercetin reduces illness but not immune perturbations after intensive exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2007;39:1561.
  8. McAnulty SR, Nieman DC, McAnulty LS, Lynch WS, Jin F, Henson DA. Effect of mixed flavonoids, n-3 fatty acids, and vitamin C on oxidative stress and antioxidant capacity before and after intense cycling. International Journal of Sport Nutrition andExercise Metabolism 2011;21:328.

Sulforaphane and quercetin are natural compounds that help improve cellular health

: David Gutierrez,
Scientists have known for some time that antioxidants including sulforaphane and quercetin are potent substances for protecting cellular health. Now they have discovered a mechanism by which these substances activate a special protective protein, in a study conducted by researchers from the University of Warwick and published in the journal Antioxidants & Redox Signalling.

The findings may lead to the identification or development of new superfoods to help prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, the researchers said.

The findings center on the activity of a protein known as Nrf2, which is consistently moving into and out of the nuclei of human cells in order to monitor their health and vitality. When a cell's health is threatened, Nrf2 begins to oscillate in and out of the cell more rapidly, which appears to stimulate cellular defense mechanisms and lead to an increase in cellular antioxidant levels.

"The way Nrf2 works is very similar to sensors in electronic devices that rely on continual reassessment of their surroundings to provide an appropriate response," lead researcher Paul Thornalley said.

Antioxidants increase sensor's effectiveness

In the new study, researchers found that, under normal circumstances, Nrf2 oscillates in and out of a given cell nucleus at a rate of one oscillation per 129 minutes. When exposed to the antioxidant chemicals sulforaphane and quercetin, Nrf2's oscillation rate increased to 80 minutes per oscillation.

Sulforaphane is an antioxidant found abundantly in broccoli, while quercetin is found in high levels in onions and apples.

The findings suggest that the presence of these antioxidants actually increases the effectiveness of Nrf2, which should in turn make cells more resistant to damage, including oxidative damage.

"The health benefit of Nrf2 oscillating at a fast speed is that surveillance of cell health is increased when most needed, that is, when cells are under threat," Thornalley said. "By understanding how this process works and increasing Nrf2's speed without putting cells under threat, new strategies for design of healthier foods and improved drugs can be devised. Current designs may have selected substances with suboptimal if not poor health benefits in some cases."

The researchers have already used their findings to develop new food supplements, which are currently being tested for their effectiveness at reducing diabetes and heart disease risk.

EU-funded BIOCLAIMS research program coordinator Andreu Palou, who was not involved in the study, said that the findings may help consumers select healthier foods.

"A main nutritional challenge in Europe is to substantiate the beneficial effects of foods that are advertised to the consumers," Palou said. "The approach of the group of Prof Thornalley is opening a fascinating new window."

Super-ingredients make superfoods

One of the main drivers of the cellular damage that leads to the effects of aging and to chronic diseases is believed to be oxidative damage by free radical compounds that circulate in the body in response to environmental stress (including exposure to toxins or just normal metabolic processes). By removing these free radicals from the body, antioxidants are believed to reduce the risk of these conditions.

Research has backed this up, linking antioxidant consumption to a lowered risk of heart disease and cancer, and to lower levels of inflammation and inflammatory diseases such as arthritis. Antioxidants have also been shown to prevent oxidation of LDL ("bad") cholesterol and reduce arterial inflammation.

Quercetin specifically has been linked to lower blood pressure, reduced heart disease risk and protection from the oxidizing effects of cadmium toxicity. Sulforaphane has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer, and may help keep immune function from declining with age.

Sources for this article include:

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Sunday 26 April 2015

ICAN2 Women's Health Event

'Women Only Total Wellbeing Weekender'

In association


The Tessa Sanderson Foundation
Ankh Rah Limited


This special ticket only event should certainly be a date for your diary, offering Women  a treasure trove of leading health & wellness technology, products and demonstrations.

The day offers organic nutrition and body – care information & products to sample and purchase, along with a scheduled professional workout, followed by a total head – to – toe pamper, along with overnight accommodation, meals, networking and music entertainment**.


Organised & Promoted by
Tessa Sanderson Foundation and Academy (TSFA)

Tessa Sanderson CBE is the founder of this unique sports charity that has been very successful in training and preparing the UK' future Olympic champions.

Each year The TSFA host a number of important events to fund the charity’ sports, athletics & community exercise activities for young able bodied and disabled youth and young adults.

2015 kicks off with our Women's Total Wellbeing weekender, exhibition and workshops, aimed at informing women on the latest in, nutritional diets & supplements, healthier water dispensing options, organic cosmetics and body-care products and of course image & style. along with networking, meals, music entertainment. and overnight accommodation

We will also be promoting this event at the forthcoming BE:FIT LONDON Womens Health Festival at the
Business Design Centre in
Too many of us procrastinate from embodying our dreams and becoming the visible women we were truly meant to be.
We often wonder...

'What if?' and mumble 'I would but …'
and make excuses for holding back our lives.
No more! The time has come to put ourselves first, to re-awaken our dreams, to transform our visions of what's possible.
N. B Registration

is required for



9:30 -10-am
  •     Overnight Accommodation**

    Ankh Rah Hotline: 020 8314 0551
  •     Organic nutrition and bodycare exhibition

  •     Nutrition, bodycare, and image & style

  •     Fitness workout activities by  Fit2Fite

  •     Pampering

  •     Spa

  •     3-course meals**

  •     Entertainment`**

  •     Exclusive goody bag worth £120** 
        VIP + package only **

The day is scheduled as follows
  •     All day Organic nutrition and bodycare exhibition 10am - 5pm
  •     Fitness Workout & Dance 10am - midday
  •     Lunch break -12pm -1pm
  •     Nutrition, bodycare & image and style workshops 1pm - 3pm by:
Kangen Water in London - Ankh Rah- High Quality Moringa
Brown Angel 
  •     SPA & Head to Toe Pamper includes - own make-up applied,
        massage, hair, & nails 3pm - 4:45pm

  •     Meals 5.30pm - 6:30pm
  •     Music & Entertainment 8.00pm - 11:00pm
Event will be held at:

Gilwell Park, White House Mansions, Epping Forest, Chingford,

London E4 7QW

Limited TICKET Options
To book your place please choose from the following 3 options:
  1. Saturday VIP+ Overnight accommodation meals & breakfast from £150

  2. Saturday VIP Workout, spa, head to toe makeover & goody bag £60
  3. Saturday Exhibition and workshops only @ £10

Make your booking now

Copyright © 2015 TSFA All rights reserved.

RmY012, Newham College of Further Education | Startford Campus | Welfare Road | London E15 4HT

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