What makes this vitamin so relevant is its ability to attach itself to the protein found in food. When vitamin B12 is released, it bonds with the intrinsic factor. This substance allows the intestines to absorb the vitamin better.
Amount to Consume
As other vitamins, this one, too, has a RDA (recommended daily amount), which is not yet determined for infants, since it has not been tested in that field yet.
Still, the AI (Adequate Intake) is well familiar and goes as follows:
- 0 to 6 months, the AL for both males and females is 0.4 mcg/day;
- 7 to 12 months, the Al for both males and females is 0.5 mcg/day.
Age -- Males and Females -- Pregnancy -- Lactation
1 to 3 years -- 0.9 mcg N/A -- N/A
4 to 8 years -- 1.2 mcg N/A -- N/A
9 to 13 years -- 1.8 mcg N/A -- N/A
14 to 19 years -- 2.4 mcg 2.6 mcg 2.8 mcg
19+ years -- 2.4 mcg/day -- 2.6 mcg/day -- 2.8 mcg/day
Best Sources of Vitamin B12
Since it is attached to the food protein, vitamin B12 can be found in animal foods and breakfast cereals.
Here is complete chart:
Food -- Amount -- Vitamin B12
- Breakfast cereals, fortified -- ¾ cup -- 6 mcg
- Chicken breast, cooked ½ breast -- 0.3 mcg
- Egg -- 1 large -- 0.6 mcg
- Haddock, cooked -- 3 Oz -- 1.2 mcg
- Milk -- 1 cup -- 0.9 mcg
- Clam, mollusks -- 3 Oz -- 84.1 mcg
- Sockeye salmon, cooked -- 3 Oz -- 4.9 mcg
- Rainbow trout, farmed, cooked -- 3 Oz -- 4.2 mcg
- Rainbow trout, wild, cooked -- 3 Oz -- 5.4 mcg
- White tuna, canned in water -- 3 Oz -- 1.0 mcg
- Plain yogurt, skim milk -- 1 cup -- 1.4 mcg
- Seaweed -- Nori/Spirulina in very minute amounts
As studies confirm, we already take enough of this vitamin through food. But, vitamin B12 supplement is advised for consumption for people suffering from stomach or absorption problems.
This is also recommended for individuals that do not consume meat. Furthermore, seniors dealing with atrophic gastritis are advised to take vitamin B12 supplements, too.
How absorbed vitamin B12 is going to be, can rely on taking certain meds such as metformin, H2 receptor antagonists, when treating peptic ulcers and proton pump inhibitors. These levels can be easily found by doing a blood test.
Lack of Vitamin B12
When this vitamin is not found in the body in sufficient amounts, you may become subjected to suffering from pernicious anemia. When B12 deficiency happens, you might be experiencing weakness, constipation, fatigue, weight loss, loss of appetite, and tingling and numbness in the limbs.
Other than this, you can also notice confusion, balance problems, depression, dementia, and weak memory. Make sure to always check your levels by doing a blood test regularly.
Exceeded amounts of vitamin B12
There is no record for a tolerable amount of vitamin B12. However, by taking higher doses of the vitamin is not going to bring extra health benefits. Follow the RDA recommendations, to eventually prevent low potential for toxicity.
Source/Reference: www.healthandlovepage.com
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