Friday 23 June 2017

Couple Eats Food Maximum 3 Times A Week & Uses Breath & ‘Universal Energy’ For Sustenance!

Breatharianism is a controversial topic, mainly because it calls into question virtually everything we have been taught to believe about what it takes to stay alive. We need food, we need nutrients, and we need water to survive — don’t we? According to breathariansim, we don’t, and the Universe can provide us with all the energy we need to sustain ourselves through the breath.
Some brilliant minds do believe it’s possible, however, including Nikola Tesla. In 1901, he made the following argument:
My idea is that the development of life must lead to forms of existence that will be possible without nourishment and which will not be shackled by consequent limitations.  Why should a living being not be able to obtain all the energy it needs for the performance of its life functions from the environment, instead of through consumption of food, and transforming, by a complicated process, the energy of chemical combinations into life-sustaining energy? (source)
This concept might sound crazy to some, but the more I think about it, the more it starts to make sense. The practice of fasting has been gaining a lot of traction in the Western world over the past several years. Intermittent fasting — restricting the eating period to an 8-10 hour window — has been increasing in popularity within the health and fitness communities and tons of research is emerging to show the benefits of prolonged fasting periods. There simply must be something to this. Fasting, however, is a whole different ballgame than not eating entirely.

Firsthand Look At A Breatharian Couple

A husband and wife duo live what they call a “food free” lifestyle. Akahi Ricardo, 36, and Camila Castello, 34, who live between California and Ecuador, have said that they have actually forgotten what hunger feels like and believe that humans can be sustained solely by the “energy that exists in the universe and in themselves.”
A mother of two, Camilla continued her breatharian practice throughout her pregnancy. She claims to have only eaten solid foods about five times during the nine months that she was carrying her first child.
“Humans can easily be without food, as long as they are connected to the energy that exists in all things and through breathing. For three years, Akahi and I didn’t eat anything at all and now we only eat occasionally life if we’re in a social situation or I simply want to taste a fruit,” says Camilla.
“With my first child I practiced a Breatharian pregnancy. Hunger was a foreign sensation to me so I fully lived on light and ate nothing. My blood tests during all three trimesters were impeccable and I gave birth to a healthy, baby boy,” she continues.
The couple teaches courses on breatharianism and claim that their lifestyle has improved their health and their wealth, as the money they have saved on food has allowed them to travel and follow other passions.
According to Akahi, “Obviously our living costs are a lot less than most families and that has allowed us to spend money on things that really matter like travelling and exploring together. It’s given us a clear sense of what we want in life. Anyone can live a breatharian lifestyle and feel the benefits. It’s not about never eating food again, it’s about understanding cosmic nourishment, not just physical nourishment, and living without limits.”
The couple didn’t just decide to stop eating one day, however. They had both been vegetarians for a number of years, and then switched to veganism. After a period of time they transitioned to a raw vegan diet and then eventually switched to consuming only fruits. When they were ready to try out breatharianism, they undertook the “21 Day Breatharian Process.”
The process consists of three seven day increments. In the first segment, no food or drink is allowed. The next seven days consists of some water and some diluted juice, and the last seven is diluted juice and water.
It’s important to note that they do not force this lifestyle onto their children, and in fact allow their children to eat whatever they want. As Akahi said, “We would never try to change them and we let them eat whatever they want whether that be juices, vegetables, pizza or ice-cream. We want them to explore the different tastes and have a healthy relationship with food as they grow.”

One Example From a Growing Movement

While this story may seem unbelievable, this is just one example from a growing movement of individuals who practice breatharianism. Although you may not have heard of it before, it is certainly not a new practice; it’s just that more awareness has been raised around it in recent years. We have written about and covered stories of a few individuals who have gone months and in some cases years without any food or water.
This is something that baffles scientists, as it goes directly against everything we have been taught to believe. It showcases just how remarkable the human body really is and also brings into question whether all the food we eat on a daily basis is even necessary. We certainly consume a lot. Is it better to consume food, even if it’s not healthy for us, than no food at all? We all tend to lean towards the former because of what we have been taught to believe.

Important Information

I do not suggest anyone walk away from this article and stop eating altogether. This is a process, and takes time to develop. Our collective consciousness still largely believes we need food in order to survive. There are many steps that must be taken in order to get to this place of not needing food to eat. Take this information with a grain of salt and do your research. It is not for everyone.
On the flipside, do you have experience with fasting? Do you want to share any information that you have learned along the way? Please share with us in the comments section.
Much Love

Couple Eats Food Maximum 3 Times A Week & Uses Breath & ‘Universal Energy’ For Sustenance

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