Saturday, 14 January 2017

How to be a fitness star!

To be a fitness star, you must offer something different, something that is effective and unique. This seems obvious though, right? But how do you do it? First: Know what you're doing. As a fitness instructor, you must know what you're doing. You must understand fitness and the human body better than anyone else. This intimate understanding will help you see what sorts of workouts are the most effective -- and seeing that will help you develop new types of workouts. Second: Do your research. Being unique means knowing what's out there. You have to know what has been done before you. This means spending a good deal of time researching the different types of workout programs that have been popular over the years. What do these programs have in common? How are they different? What made them so successful? You must ask these questions when are being a fitness scholar. Third: Get creative. You have to get creative when trying to design your unique workout routine. There are different ways to get the human body in good physical shape, and you should think of combining the most effective ways with fun. Yes, fun. Your workout routine should attract people; it should look interesting AND fun. If you clients think that your routine is boring or too challenging, then they will leave you. Remember: your routine should a specific crowd. Are you trying to attract fitness enthusiasts or people who never leave the safety and comfort of the couch? Make sure your new routine is geared towards a specific audience. Fourth: Market yourself. You gotta let people know about your revolutionary way of working out. A part of it is word-of-mouth. A part of it marketing. Market yourself with confidence -- get the word out there about a new, awesome way to get into shape. Be exciting. You are a fitness instructor -- this means being a personality, being charismatic. You want to attract people with your routine as well as your overall presence! Remember: Rome wasn't built in a day. It will take time for you to find your niche, but we promise you that if you stick with it, one day that light bulb will go off in your head, which just might lead you to become the next superstar in the world of fitness! #Fitness #FitnessInstructor

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