Taking ‘heavy breakfast’ apparently does not promote healthy living.
This is the view of the President of the Vegetarian Association of Ghana, Dr. Kofi Asare, who says the perception of taking heavy food in the morning for breakfast is a lie trumpeted by Western Medical Science.
According to him, the most important choice of healthy living Ghanaians must make is the food they eat.
“An idea that has been trumpeted by Western Medical Science for years which is eating your breakfast like a king is a lie. When you wake up the morning you are not fasting, when you go to bed you don’t fast but rest. It is inappropriate for you to use your energy to break down heavy food in the morning. You need activity in the morning…sweat before you eat..and when the blood is circulating and its very warm, digestion becomes effective” Dr. Kofi Asare said.
“Wake up in the morning, drink your water, mid-morning take your smoothie or fruits,” he added.
Speaking on the sidelines of the 11th edition of the annual Vegetarian Festival on Saturday, Dr. Asare said that most deaths recorded in the country can be prevented if individuals restrict themselves to eating healthy meals.
He said although exercise is important, food plays a major role in healthy living.
“Exercise can only burn 20 percent of fat, so if you are eating wrongly, you are just deceiving yourself because the 80 percent of the fat out of the food is still in the body. Most sportsmen exercise well, but die because of poor eating habits. Diet is super important,” he noted.
By: Philip Nii Lartey/citifmonline.com/Ghana
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