Friday 7 April 2017

8 Root Causes Of Eczema Doctors Never Treat!

Eczema includes medical conditions in which the skin is inflamed and irritated.|
The skin disorders cause symptoms like inflammation, dryness, redness, and scaling.
Eczema is more common in babies and small children, and only 2-4% of all adults develop eczema at some point in their life. The outer layer of the skin becomes inflamed and damaged, which creates perfect conditions for irritation and sensitivity.
Health experts have recognized acute and chronic symptoms:
  • Inflamed skin
  • Itchiness
  • Blisters
  • Peeling, flaking skin
  • Cuts and cracks caused by dryness
  • Changes in skin color and texture
  • Burning caused by irritation
Main causes of eczema
Eczema is usually treated with creams and ointments, but the problem lies deep in the system. The treatment of eczema should start from the core of the problem. Treating the symptoms won’t do the trick, as they will soon come back, and you’ll have to start all over again.
We give you some of the most common root causes of eczema:
  1. Genes
Your genes carry information, and if you are predisposed to develop eczema, there’s no way to stop it. Mutated genes affect the production of filaggrin, a protein that protects the corneal skin layer.
  1. Low sebum production
The skin dries due to insufficient production of natural oils. Genetic factors or poor immunity affect the production of serum.
  1. Weak immune system
Low immune system can’t fight inflammation or ward of yeast and bacteria. Medication, autoimmune disorders, untreated infections, nutrient deficiencies, and weak intestinal function can affect the role of your immune system.
  1. Allergies
Allergies trigger the release of antibodies and affect the immune response. Some foods, chemical exposure, harsh toxins, perfumes and soaps cause allergies.
  1. Toxicity
Smoking and pollution leave traces of toxins in the body, and overtime these buildups manifest on the skin. Excessive use of antibiotics has a devastating effect on the immune system, and lead to toxicity.
  1. Climate
People who live in cold countries or developed countries are more prone to eczema, due to dry and cold weather. Pollution and unhealthy dietary habits can also lead to the development of severe skin disorders.
  1. Formula
Breastfeeding protects the baby from allergies, unlike formula-fed babies who are more prone to eczema.
  1. Vaccines
Scientists are working on specific testing that would determine whether vaccines cause eczema. It may be just a coincidence, but the number of eczema sufferers has multiplied after the use of vaccines increased. This requires further research, and scientists will soon confirm the link between vaccines and eczema.
Tips on how to treat eczema
  • Scratching can additionally worsen your problem, so try not to do it. Don’t peel dried skin either, as this may cause open sores and bacterial infections.
  • Carefully pick your food. The same applies to skin care products and cleaning products, because some of the ingredients may cause allergies.
  • Eat more foods packed with anti-inflammatory foods to strengthen your immune system.
  • Use homemade eczema creams based on natural ingredients.
Other included sources linked in David Wolfe’s article:
Dr. Axe
Dr. Axe
Medline Plus
Everyday Health
National Eczema Foundation

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