Monday 10 October 2016

If You Know Anyone Considering a Flu Shot This Year, Show Them This!

A growing number of experts nowadays warn about the adverse effects of flu shots and advise families to avoid them completely.
Every year, the medical experts, the mainstream media, and the pharmaceutical industry do their best to convince us to get vaccinated against the flu, but apparently, they are not telling the whole story.
They never mention the severe side-effects of flu shots and the high amounts of toxic chemicals involved.
Yet, we give you 11 good reasons to avoid them:
  1. The flu shot, in fact, makes you sick
In most cases, vaccinated children get sick right after the vaccination. This is because the flu virus has entered their bodies and sensitizes it against it. This means that the flu shot actually leads to immunosuppression (i.e. weakening of the immunity).
  1. Flu vaccines contain harmful ingredients like mercury
We are being told that the flu shots contain strains of the flu virus, but nobody mentions the numerous other ingredients of vaccines.
Namely, they even involve mercury, which is a heavy metal with severe side-effects, like depression, heart problems, digestive imbalances, memory loss, respiratory problems, ADD, oral health issues, and other serious health issues.
  1. The flu shot can lead to Alzheimer’s
Studies show that flu shots can cause Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, a leading immunogeneticist, conducted a research which found that individuals who consistently get the flu vaccine raise their risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 10 fold.
According to him, this is a result of the toxic combination of aluminum and mercury in the vaccine. Moreover, in the case of elder people, this shot only weakens their immune system and makes them more prone to more serious illness.
  1. Those forcing us to get the flu vaccinations are making billions of dollars every year
In August 1999, the Committee on Government Reform started an investigation into Federal vaccine policy, which tried to find potential conflicts of interest on the part of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The findings stated that numerous individuals serving on two key advisory committees had financial ties to the pharmaceutical companies which produce these vaccines.
On many occasions, they were granted waivers to take part in the discussions that recommended the use of these vaccines and their inclusion in the Childhood Immunization Schedule.
  1. Lack of real evidence that flu shots help young children
Fifty- one studies which involved 260, 000 children age 6 to 23 months provided no evidence that these vaccines provide more effects than a placebo. Also, these flu shots fight only certain bacteria strains, meaning that they do not protect from other viruses.
  1. Makes us more prone to pneumonia and other contagious diseases
The injection of strains of the flu virus in the body of someone with a weakened immune system has serious side effects, as it endangers the health and increases the risk of more severe symptoms, like pneumonia, and other contagious diseases.
  1. Vascular disorders
It has been medically shown that flu shots are linked to the increased link of vascular inflammation. Symptoms include jaw pain, pain in the upper arms, neck, hips, and shoulders, headaches, fever, pain and stiffness in the neck, and muscle pain.
  1. Children under the age of 1 are at an increased risk
Babies under 1 year of age are especially prone to a neurotoxic breach of the delicate nerve center around the brain and central nervous system, as their bodies do not have the sufficient protection to prevent premature damage of the brain’s blood barrier. Yet, the first vaccine is administered at age 6 months.
  1. Raised risk of narcolepsy
A study conducted between October 2009 and December 2011 provided numerous reports that many children in 12 countries who have developed narcolepsy (a chronic sleep disorder) after this vaccines.
The study compared 3.3 million vaccinated Swedes with 2.5 million did not receive the flu shot, and found that the youngest ones who took the vaccine were at the highest risk. Those younger than 21 had three times higher risk of contracting narcolepsy.
  1. Weaken the immunological responses
Thousands of published medical journal articles indicate that the injection of these vaccines causes dangerous immunological responses and a host of other infections.
Additionally, weak immunological responses only impede the ability of the person to prevent the diseases that the vaccine was supposed to fight against.
  1. Severe neurological disorders
Studies have shown that the harmful ingredients in flu vaccinations can result in serious neurological disorders. These shots contain mercury, detergents, strains f live flu virus, formaldehyde, and many other dangerous ingredients.
In 1976, many people of those who received the flu vaccine developed Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), a disorder manifested by permanent nerve damage and paralysis.
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