Monday, 31 July 2017

Overeating Is Not The Only Thing That Will Make You Fat: this seemingly good habit does too!

The human body is designed to gain weight and keep it on at all costs. Our survival depends on it. Until we acknowledge that scientific fact, we will never succeed in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.
Doctors and consumers alike believe that overeating and gluttony are the causes of our obesity epidemic. Science tells a different story: it is not completely your fault you are overweight.
Powerful genetic forces control our survival behavior. They are at the root of our weight problems. Our bodies weight control systems were designed to produce dozens of molecules that make us eat more and gain weight whenever we have the chance, not to lose it.
We have evolved over hundreds of thousands of generations under conditions of food scarcity, not overabundance. Our genes and molecules that control our eating behavior were shaped by those times.
Basically – we are genetically designed to accumulate fat based on the days when we had to forage for food in the wild.  Ignoring that fact becomes hazardous to both our health and our waistlines.
Furthermore, the food industry and our government’s recommendations are fueling this feeding frenzy. We cannot expect to change our instinctual responses to food any more than we can eliminate a feeling of terror when confronted with danger.
Think about this: We have hundreds of genes that protect us from starvation, but very few that protect us from overeating.
All seems backward, doesn’t it? If we remain genetically engineered to gain weight, then it would seem that we are wired incorrectly.
Why would we be designed to overeat and grow fat? It all comes down to the oldest and most primitive part of our brain, our limbic, or “lizard,” brain. This is the part of your brain that evolved first, and it’s like a reptile’s brain. It governs your survival behaviors, creating certain chemical responses that you have no conscious control over.
While you might think you are in complete control of your mind, the truth is that you have very little control over the unconscious choices you make when you are surrounded by food.
The key to a healthy metabolism is learning what those responses are, how they are triggered, and how you can stop them. You don’t want to put yourself in the position of resisting the lure of a bagel. Your drive to eat it will overwhelm any willpower you might have about losing weight. It is a life-or-death experience in your mind, and the bagel will always win.
One of the most important principles of weight loss is never to starve yourself. The question is whether or not you are eating enough of the right calories, not whether or not you are eating too many calories. What you need is a baseline for how much you have to eat to keep your body from going into starvation mode.

The Reason Most Diets Fail

The reason diets backfire almost all the time is because people restrict too much. That is to say, they allow the number of calories they consume to drop below their resting metabolic rate. This is the basic amount of energy or calories needed to run your metabolism for the day. For the average person, it is about 10 times your weight in pounds. This is the baseline daily need for your body to simply exist  (meaning stay in bed and don’t expend any energy).  That’s not realistic for most of us.
If you eat less than that amount (which is what most diets mandate), your body instantly perceives danger and turns on the alarm system that protects you from starvation, slowing your metabolism. As a consequence, your body goes into starvation mode and triggers the signal to eat.  So you start eating and eating, and inevitably, you stop the diet — it’s the classic rebound weight gain scenario.
Just think of what happens when you skip breakfast, work through lunch, and finally return home in the evening: you eat everything in sight. Then you feel stuffed, sick, and guilty and you regret ever entering the kitchen in the first place.
Why would you possibly want to overeat and make yourself sick? Most of us are reasonable people and know that we shouldn’t overeat. We have done it before, wished we hadn’t, and vowed never to do it again.
Nonetheless, time after time, we repeat the same mistakes. Are we weak-willed, morally corrupt, and self-destructive? Do we need years of therapy?
The answer is “none of the above.” The answer is in our genetic programming. This stuff is just too deep inside us to get away from. We are built to put on weight, and our bodies don’t like it very much when we don’t give them the calories they need.
To make matters worse, when you lose weight, only about half of what is lost is fat; the rest is valuable, metabolically active muscle! Yet when someone regains weight, it is nearly complete fat. Remember, muscle cells burn 70 times more calories than fat cells. Therefore yo-yo dieting makes you lose a big part of your metabolic engine.
We all know overweight people who say, “I don’t really eat that much, and I still can’t lose weight.” They aren’t lying. When most people go on a diet, they are generally actually making themselves fatter. Each time they diet, they lose muscle.
The diet usually fails, and when it does, the weight that is regained is fat. If you have been through a number of diets that have failed, your body has been through this process a number of times. In short, dieting makes you fat.
You want to get away from the diet mentality. What you are undertaking is a way of eating, not a diet.

The Problem with Willpower

Whatever happened to old-fashioned willpower? Everybody knows that the obesity epidemic is a matter of personal responsibility. People should exercise more self-control. They should avoid overeating and reduce their intake of sugar-sweetened drinks and processed food. There are no good foods or bad foods; it’s everything in moderation. Right?
This sounds good in theory, except for one thing: New discoveries in science prove that processed, sugary, fat-, and salt-laden food—food that is made in a plant rather than grown on a plant—is biologically addictive.
Remember the old potato chip commercial with the tag line “Bet you can’t eat just one”? Bet you can’t imagine that kind of commercial for broccoli or apples. No one binges on those foods. Yet it’s easy to imagine a mountain of potato chips, a whole bag of cookies, or a pint of ice cream vanishing quickly in an unconscious, reptilian-brain eating frenzy. Broccoli is not addictive, but chips, cookies, ice cream, and soda can become as addictive as any drug.
In the 1980s, First Lady Nancy Reagan championed the “just say no” approach to drug addiction. Unfortunately, that approach hasn’t fared too well, and it won’t work for our industrial food addiction either. There are specific biological mechanisms that drive addictive behavior.
Nobody chooses to be a heroin addict, cokehead, or alcoholic. Nobody chooses to have a food addiction either. These behaviors arise from primitive neurochemical reward centers in the brain that override normal willpower and, in the case of food addictions, overwhelm the ordinary biological signals that control hunger.
Why is it so hard for obese people to lose weight despite the social stigma; despite the health consequences such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and even cancer; and despite their intense desire to lose weight?
Not because they want to be fat. It is because, in the vast majority of cases, certain types of food—processed foods made of sugar, fat, and salt combined in ways kept secret by the food industry—are addictive. We are biologically wired to crave these foods and eat as much of them as possible.

10 Strategies to Stop Overeating and Lose Weight

Fortunately, a number of tips can help you normalize your eating so that you neither overeat or under-eat. Thankfully, none of them involve counting calories (or counting anything!). Among the strategies that have helped thousands of my patients lose weight, keep it off, and reduce their risk for diabesity include:
  1. Cut out the processed stuff and eat real, whole foods. The single most important thing to lose weight and avoid overeating is to include as many real, whole, unprocessed foods in your diet as possible. Starting right now, make the switch to these foods to lose weight: vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, olive oil, organic, range, or grass-fed animal products (poultry, lamb, beef, pork, eggs), and wild, smaller fish such as salmon.
  2. Eat breakfast. Skipping breakfast means you’re eventually starving, and throughout the day you eat much more food than needed to feel full. To optimize health and weight loss, you need to eat breakfast, to spread out food intake evenly throughout the day, and to not eat for at least two hours before bed. A recent study found that almost 3,000 people who lost an average of 70 pounds and kept it off for six years ate breakfast regularly. Only four percent of people who never ate breakfast kept the weight off.
  3. Eat mindfully. We need to be in a relaxed state for the nervous system of our gut or digestive system to work properly. Eating while we are stressed out makes us fat, both because we don’t digest our food properly and because of stress hormones slow metabolism and promote fat storage, especially of belly fat. We also tend to overeat when we eat quickly because it takes the stomach 20 minutes to signal the brain that we are full.
  4. Moderate or eliminate alcohol. Taking a holiday from alcohol, besides getting rid of additional sugar calories, will help you tune into your true appetite and prevent you from overeating.
  5. Become aware of trigger foods. For some of us, that one little soda can set us on a downward spiral to overeating and all of the negative health consequences that come with it. It isn’t just the processed, sugary foods and drinks that become triggers. But even healthy foods, if you have a tendency to binge on them, can quickly become unhealthy. A handful of almonds are perfectly healthy, but if you eat half the jar, they quickly become unhealthy.
  6. Keep a Journal. Journaling is an excellent way to get in touch with your inner motivations, to break the cycle of mindless eating and activity, to be honest, and accountable and present to yourself. We often overeat because something is eating away at us. We stuff ourselves with food in order to stuff our feelings away. We use food to block feelings, but you can use words to block food. You can write in order to better metabolize your feelings so they don’t end up driving unconscious choices or overeating. A diet of words and self-exploration often results in weight loss. You metabolize your life and calories better.
  7. Get sufficient sleep. Get eight hours of quality, uninterrupted sleep every night. You’ll find that you’re less prone to cravings and you will normalize fat-regulating hormones. One study found even a partial night’s sleep deprivation contributes to insulin resistance, paving the way for obesity and type 2 diabetes.
  8. Control stress levels. Most of us fail to notice the effects of the chronic stresses we live with every day: demanding jobs, marital tension, lack of sleep, too much to do and too little time to do it. I am sure the list goes on for many. Chronic stress makes us overeat, not to mention overeating the wrong kinds of food, which ultimately leads to weight gain. Learn to actively relax with meditation, yoga, deep breathing, or any other technique that helps you reduce stress.
  9. Exercise the right way. You can’t over-exercise your way out of a bad diet, but the right exercise can help you lose weight, maintain weight loss, and control your appetite so you don’t overeat. Ideally, you should do a minimum of 30 minutes of walking every day. Get a pedometer to track your steps. Wear it every day and set a goal of 10,000 steps a day. More vigorous and sustained exercise is often needed to reverse severe obesity and diabesity. Run, bike, dance, play games, jump on a trampoline or do whatever is fun for you. Read this blog for a comprehensive, easy-to-implement exercise plan.
  10. Supplement smartly. Obesity and diabetes are often paradoxically states of malnutrition. It has been said that diabetes is starvation in the midst of plenty. The sugar can’t get into the cells. Your metabolism is sluggish, and the cells don’t communicate as a finely tuned team. Nutrients are an essential part of getting back in balance and correcting the core problem— insulin resistance.
If you would like to cut-out the processed food, stop mindless eating and learn how to cook delicious, whole-food recipes,  then download the sneak preview of my newest book, releasing on March 10thThe 10-Day Detox Diet Cookbook.  In addition to the recipes, you will also learn about the secret added ingredient that keeps you hooked on junk food!  Click here to get this sneak preview now.
Wishing you health and happiness,
Mark Hyman, MD.
  • Donga E, et al. A single night of partial sleep deprivation induces insulin resistance in multiple metabolic pathways in healthy subjects.  J ClinEndocrinolMetab. 2010 Jun;95(6):2963-8.
  • Farshchi HR, et al. Deleterious effects of omitting breakfast on insulin sensitivity and fasting lipid profiles in healthy lean women. Am J ClinNutr . 2005 Feb; 81( 2): 388– 396.
  • Gershon M. The second brain: A groundbreaking new understanding of nervous disorders of the stomach and intestine, Perennial. 1999.
  • David M. The Slow Down Diet: Eating for Pleasure, Energy and Weight Loss. Healing Arts Press, 2005.

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Anyone Suffering From Acid Reflux and GERD Needs to Do These 5 Things!

Dr. Steven Lin wrote this awesome guest post; a practicing board accredited dentist and health educator. Check out his website here!
When you think about the causes of damaged teeth, you probably think about things like sugary foods or bad dental hygiene. However, as a dentist, one of the most common causes of damaged teeth I see is acid reflux.
Acid reflux is a condition that is exactly as it sounds. It’s when acid from the digestive system enters the esophagus causing discomfort. When it becomes more severe, it falls under a broader condition called GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease).
Some symptoms include:
  •    heartburn (chest pain after eating)
  •    acid reflux (where stomach acid comes back up into your mouth and causes an unpleasant, sour taste)
  •    sore throat
  •    bad breath
  •    bloating and belching
  •    tooth erosion or acid wear
  •    pain when swallowing
If any of these symptoms sound familiar, you’re not alone. Up to 60 percent of the population at some time during the year, experience symptoms of reflux disease, such as heartburn and acid regurgitation.
One of the most common approaches to deal with pesky acid reflux Is to use antacids. These may include medications known as proton pump inhibitors.
But while acid reflux sounds straightforward, the real cause is a bit more complicated than just too much acid. When we understand the root cause of acid reflux, then the use of antacids may not be helping and could make the condition worse.

Symptoms and side-effects of acid reflux

As a dentist, the long-term consequences of GERD symptoms can often be witnessed in the mouth. I’ve seen many patients that take antacids such as proton pump inhibitors, yet their acid reflux doesn’t heal.
Long term acid reflux has many side-effects:
  • The low pH in the oral cavity due to the overflow of acid from the digestive system leads to tooth erosion and wear
  • Tooth wear due to acid reflux may be identified as a loss of height of the teeth. Other presentations include wear of tooth surfaces on the inside of the teeth or palate.
  • Patients often experience bad breath that seems to originate from the digestive system.

What is the root cause?

All of these conditions have one common underlying process. Acid balance in the mouth is controlled by the microbes in the mouth.  The mouth is in direct communication with our gut microbiome. When we lose the balance of the digestive microbiome, we become more prone to infection with pathogens such as H.pylori.
Digestive imbalances are then relayed back to the mouth where enamel erosion can result.

The role of digestive and gut imbalance

Ironically, while acid reflux is often thought to be caused by high stomach acid, oftentimes it can be due to low stomach acid, which also results in similar symptoms and sensations such as heartburn. The mechanism is that H.pylori has the ability to disable our release of stomach acid.
The problem with suppressed stomach acids is that low pH is used as a defense against certain bacteria. Bacterial overgrowth (SIBO for example) may be due to a lack of stomach acid in the first place.
When there is an overgrowth of the wrong species in the digestive system, improper digestion can occur. This can cause gas buildup and intra-abdominal pressure. We know that intra abdominal pressure is related to acid reflux or GERD.
So acid reflux is likely a bacterial imbalance, that may be due to LACK of stomach acid. This is why antacids don’t address the root cause of acid reflux. may make acid reflux worse.

H.pylori, gut health, and tooth erosion

Your tooth enamel is managed by the oral microbiome and internal mineral balances. It’s the hardest surface in the body and is in constant ion exchange in your mouth.
The pH of the mouth is governed both by bacteria and saliva. When there is a H.pylori infection in the digestive system, long term imbalance may also colonize the oral microbiome.
Recent studies have shown that the mouth is a common place to find H. Pylori.
In addition to causing problems for your stomach and GI tract, H. Pylori causes dental disease. H.pylori is present in the oral microbiome during gum disease. Bleeding gums or gum disease may be a sign of H.pylori infection in the mouth.
Treatments may focus on removing H.pylori from your stomach, but it will keep returning from your mouth. This means that you will be trapped in a never-ending cycle. Getting rid of your H. Pylori must include removing it from your mouth.

5 steps to heal your mouth and gut from reflux

Tooth erosion is a sign of long-term acid reflux caused by digestive imbalances. When the disease process has led to tooth erosion, it indicates long standing infection.
Here’s an approach you should take to heal your gut and oral microbiome.
1. Go for a full dental check-up and periodontal assessment to eliminate H.pylori colonization in the mouth
2. Get a complete digestive check-up, including a food intolerance test  
3. Take an anti-microbial: bitter herbs are an excellent natural remedy to remove the infection in your digestive system:
  •    Caraway
  •    Dandelion
  •    Fennel
  •    Gentian root
  •    Ginger
  •    Globe artichoke
4. Include dietary probiotics into your meals: The best form of probiotic will be a fermented vegetable or water kefir. They have fewer carbohydrates in comparison to fermented dairy for example and may help balance the gut microbiome.
5. Heal the gut lining by eating lots of collagen. This includes plenty of bone broths which contain the amino acids proline and glutamine that help to heal the intestinal cells.

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9 Unconventional Health Hacks Used By Extreme Sports Athletes!

Extreme sports athletes have wowed the world by pushing the limits of the human body. These athletes have to deal with much higher injury rates and the mental strain of extremely dangerous stunts.
The top athletes in Skateboarding, Motocross, Snowboarding, and other extreme sports are now finally being paid as much as pro golfers, Olympians, and other more mainstream athletes.
With these high salaries, many athletes are seeing a promising future in what could only be a hobby in years past.
Serious training is now put into place for extreme athletes who have the dream of going pro in their sport. Here are 10 training lessons we can all learn from extreme sports athletes.

1. Training your mind to stay cool under pressure

During extreme sports competitions, athletes will have to deal with the danger of their stunts as well as the added pressure from competing.
It is important to train your mind to stay cool under this pressure if you are working toward a career as an extreme athlete. Try looking online for brain exercises that will help you relax under pressure.
Learning to meditate can also be a great way to learn to stay cool under any amount of pressure, and has helped all sorts of athletes from golfers to NBA players.

2. Prepare yourself for injuries

As an extreme athlete, you are bound to experience more frequent injuries that will keep you out of your sport for a long period.
Recovering from injuries is almost as much of a part of becoming a world class extreme athlete as mastering your sport.
In most major cities, there are physical therapists who have had experience working with extreme athletes.
These professionals will be able to help you learn the best ways to recover from your injuries quickly and effectively.

3. Create an intense and effective training schedule

Professional athletes don’t get to the top of their sport by accident. It takes a schedule and power of the mind that many individuals simply don’t possess or know how to develop.
Waking up early is a key for athletes that want to go pro in their extreme sport. Long gone are the days of the lazy idea of skateboarders who just party and skate when they feel like it.
With the money there for the taking, extreme athletes like Nyjah Huston now have schedules and regimens that will keep them at the top of their sport.
Huston is very strict about his diet. He and other extreme athletes are now taking their training much more seriously. This helps them avoid injuries, perform at a higher level during competitions, and land tricks more often than if they were unorganized in their lives.

4. Always train with athletes who will push your limits

If you are always training with skaters, bikers, and skiers who aren’t as good as you at your sport, it is going to be difficult to get better.
You need to challenge yourself by finding athletes that are better than you at your sport. This may be hard to do if you are the best in your local area.
However, it is worth traveling to a different area where there are better extreme athletes than yourself. If you are going to be competing against the best in the world, you need to be training with the best in the world.

5. Get into the right frame of mind

Just like golf, extreme sports are a very mental thing to do. Going into a competition when you aren’t feeling mentally fit can be disastrous.
Confidence is key when trying dangerous stunts. You can’t be afraid when flying down a mountain or launching off huge ramps.
Take some time to clear your mind and get into a mindset that will help you ace all of your runs.

6. Hop in a chilling ice bath

Travis Pastrana is well known for attributing his low recovery times to regularly soaking in an ice bath. This cold therapy helps to soothe sore muscles and improve recovery times.
Head to the grocery store and buy a big bag of ice. Once you get home, throw the bag of ice in your bathtub and fill it up with cold water.
This will give you a chilling yet invigorating soak that will help you recover quickly from sore muscles or injuries.

7. Use a GoPro Camera

GoPro cameras are one of the best advancements in extreme sports training technology that athletes have regular access to.
With the inexpensive price of these cameras, it is easy to pick one up and start analyzing your runs, tricks, and other performance.
Filming yourself can be a great way to identify bad habits and fix them before they set you back years in your progress.

8. Engage in activities that strengthen your mind and will

Hiking mountains, writing a short story, and remodeling a home are all examples of activities that will strengthen your mind and will.
Learning how to push through hardships to accomplish a goal will help you to be an amazing athlete. Also, activities like chess, crossword, and sudoku are amazing ways to keep your mind strong.

9. Learn everything you can about your equipment

When you are constantly slamming your equipment trying big tricks, you need to learn how to repair it yourself.
Also, learning about the different accessories you can use on your equipment will help you have an edge over the competition.
For example, having the best wheels on your longboard will help you grip the road during your downhill races.
There are many resources online that will help you learn everything you need to know about all of your extreme sports equipment.

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Sunday, 30 July 2017

Coconut Turmeric Quinoa

PREPARATION 10 minutes COOK TIME 25 minutes SERVES 2 servings     CALORIES 531

A creamy quinoa recipe that mimics a quinoa risotto but with turmeric, ginger, and coconut.


  • tablespoon coconut oil
  • large shallot, minced
  • teaspoons minced fresh ginger
  • teaspoons turmeric
  • 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • cup uncooked quinoa, rinsed
  • cups low-sodium vegetable broth or water
  • 1/2 cup whole-fat coconut milk
  • cups shredded dino kale
  • Toasted Coconut Flakes, for topping
  • Cilantro, for topping


  • Heat a medium pan over medium-low heat. Add the coconut oil followed by the minced shallot. Cook
  •  until the shallot is fragrant and translucent; 5 to 6 minutes. Stir in the ginger and cook for another minute 
  • or two.
  • Add the turmeric and salt. Next, stir in the quinoa followed by the vegetable broth or water. Bring to a boil, reduce to a simmer, and let cook until most of the liquid has been absorbed; 12 to 15 minutes.
  • Add the coconut milk followed by the shredded kale. 
  • Cook until the quinoa is creamy and the kale is wilted to your liking.
  • Divide the quinoa into two bowls and top with toasted coconut flakes and cilantro before serving.


Tips & Tricks:  I use the full-fat coconut milk from a can. I like to transfer it to a sealable container and shake well before using since most of the canned coconut milk is separate.
Stock up: get the pantry ingredients you will need: quinoa, turmeric, coconut milk

Sparkling Honey Ginger Lemonade Recipe!

I am coming to you today with the beverage that will keep you cool and hydrated and energized throughout the summer.
It is a sparkling honey ginger lemonade that I make with fresh ginger — infused in hot water for a few minutes — and fresh lemon juice sweetened lightly with artisanal honey, and top up with sparkling water.
It is immensely refreshing on sweltering days, such as we’ve had in Paris lately. It is also a healthy summer drink, bringing you the immunity-boosting benefits of ginger, lemon juice, and honey to ward off those weird summer colds one catches sometimes.
This honey ginger lemonade is, naturally, very easy to prepare — if making lemonade becomes a project, you’re doing it wrong. I am only offering a recipe because I fiddled with the details of the preparation before I landed on the just-right ratio of ingredients, and how long to infuse the ginger for, so I’m saving you a little bit of experimentation. That said, you may prefer your lemonade a little sweeter — I like it pretty tart — so feel free to adjust accordingly.
If you like sparkling water as much as I do, but don’t like to lug home and then have to recycle all those plastic bottles, consider getting a SodaStream machine, which carbonates regular water with the push of a button. We’ve had ours for years now — a fabulous gift from my sister and brother-in-law — and it still brings me the same joy and delight every time I use it. (Actually, I don’t get to use it much these days as my sons fight over the privilege.)
And if you or one of your friends don’t drink alcohol, this is a wonderful cocktail hour option, too.
Sparkling Honey Ginger Lemonade Recipe
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 50 minutes
Makes 1 liter (4 cups).
  • One 5-cm (2-inch) piece organic ginger, about 40 grams (1 1/2 ounces), sliced thinly (no need to peel)
  • 3 tablespoons artisanal honey (vegans can use another liquid sweetener)
  • 3 organic lemons
  • 600 ml (2 1/2 cups) sparkling water, refrigerated
  • Ice cubes, for serving (optional)
  1. Put the sliced ginger in a heatproof bowl and add 240 ml (1 cup) boiling water. Steep for 15 minutes.
  2. Fish out the slices of ginger and stir in the honey to dissolve.
  3. Juice 2 of the lemons, and add their juice to the bowl. You should have about 360 ml (1 1/2 cups) liquids. Cover and keep in the fridge at least 30 minutes or until ready to serve. You can prepare this mix a few hours in advance.
  4. When ready to serve, slice the remaining lemon thinly. Fill a fourth of the glasses with the lemon-ginger mix, add a slice of lemon, ice cubes if desired, and top up with sparkling water.

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