Monday 20 July 2015

11 Reasons That Will Convince You To Quit Sugar Immediately

Zahra Motorwala

Sugar is one ingredient that most people can't do without. Most comfort foods like cakes, chocolates, pastries, pies and sodas are loaded with it, and this is likely to play havoc with your system. That's why it's important to save yourself from the long-term damage that excessive sugar intake causes. After you read this, we are sure you'll be convinced to quit sugar all together.

1. Sugar controls our mood.

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When your blood sugar level decreases, your energy levels drop and spoil your mood. That’s when you want to reach for something sweet, that will uplift your spirits and energy levels. This habit makes you dependent on sugar. This dependency can make you very moody and sluggish.

2. Sugar converts to fat. 

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Excess sugar in your body gets converted into fat which in turn affects your waistline. This could lead to heart disease or diabetes in the future.

3. It advances ageing.

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Eating sugar will create Advanced Gycation Ends (AGE). This damages the skin's collagen and elasticity making it sag sooner. If you skip sweets, you might be able to restore your skin's natural youthfulness.

4. It affects your immune system.

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Eating sweets makes the pancreas release insulin, which reduces the blood sugar levels. Insulin releases the human growth hormone, which harms the immune system and raises risk of diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart ailments.

5. It hampers mental activity.

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Quitting sugar improves mental clarity and concentration. This is the result of the blood sugar levels being consistent, which is possible only if there is low or no sugar intake.

6. It destroys your liver

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Sugar affects the liver and requires it to work overtime to process it. Food items like juices, sodas, cakes, syrups and other sweet liquids that are high in fructose, and cause the liver to neglect other functions. This will result in symptoms like fatigue, increased uric acid, gout or high blood pressure.

7. Sugar increases heart trouble.

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Sugar isn’t just trouble for your waist, it is also harmful for your heart. Sugar intake also affects the body’s metabolism and plays havoc with your hormones. It increases the lipid levels in your blood stream and can lead to high blood pressure. Increase in blood cholesterol and triglycerides also affect your heart.

8. Sugar leads to diabetes.


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This one’s well known. If you eat too many sweets, you are in danger of developing diabetes, which is a major health risk for urban Indians.   

9. It disrupts kidney functions.

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Eating too much sugar can lead to kidney stones, itching, burning and urinary tract infection with a constant urge to urinate. So keep your sugar intake moderate if you are prone to kidney related diseases.

10. Sugar will make you smell.

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The hormone imbalance that happens due to excessive sugar intake will also make you smell bad. Bacteria in the body love sugar and are more likely to develop on your body causing foul smell.

11. Watch out for cavities.

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Cavities are a known side effect of eating too much sweet stuff. The excess sugar and germs in your mouth cause your teeth to decay your teeth and become weak.
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