Several days ago, a study was published in the journal “Cell”, discussing a new treatment that has had some remarkable field tests. Despite the fact that this method is incredibly young, it is clear that there is something to it that may hold the key to healing cancer all over the world. Here’s a caption that sums it up quite well:
Researchers found that restoring normal levels of a human colorectal cancer gene in mice stopped tumor growth and re-established normal intestinal function within only 4 days. Remarkably, tumors were eliminated within 2 weeks, and signs of cancer were prevented months later. The findings provide proof of principle that restoring the function of a single tumor suppressor gene can cause tumor regression and suggest future avenues for developing effective cancer treatments.
Currently, this study was done on a specific cancer in the colon called Colorectal Cancer. Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related death in developed countries, accounting for nearly 700,000 deaths worldwide each year.
Up to 90% of tumors of this variety contain a particular mutation inside called the Adenomatous Polyposis Coli (referred as APC from here on). For a long time, it was thought that these mutations were the cause of colorectal cancer, and it had not been clear whether the inactivation of this gene also played a role in the growth of tumors and the survival of said tumors once cancer had been developed.
“We wanted to know whether correcting the disruption of Apc in established cancers would be enough to stop tumor growth and induce regression,” says first author Lukas Dow of Weill Cornell Medical College.
By doing so, the tumor cells stopped multiplying, and intestinal cells recovered to behave normally. Tumors pulled back and soon vanished, or reintegrated with normal tissues within only 2 weeks, and by the 6 month follow-up period there was no sign of cancer anywhere. Moreover, this approach was effective in treating mice with malignant colorectal cancers with the Kras and P53 mutations. These mutations are found in about half of humans who have been found with colorectal cancer.
Currently, it is unclear whether this method will work on other forms of cancer, as the genealogy is often slightly different. However, this method does open up many new potentials for exploration within other cancers to find other opportunities for facilitating the transformation of the cells back to normal.
What does it all mean?!
Besides the fact that these scientists are AWESOME and deserve a round of applause, and encouragement to continue the research and get this formula out to the masses, I’d say that there is something special and interesting about this information.
It seems to me that no matter what the problem, no matter how bad something gets, there is always something deep down that, if you can make a shift at that core level, you can return things to a natural, harmonic state. Whether you’re dealing on a physical, emotional, or mental level, equilibrium can always be found. Never is it all lost, no matter how bad it seems.
Keep it up scientists! And keep it up you! It will take all of us to transform the world, one step at a time.
With love,
Jordan Pearce
Jordan Pearce
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