By Sara Vincent

According to prostate cancer UK, age and hormone levels are the main culprits for an enlarged prostate, but dealing with this problem does not increase your risk of developing prostate cancer. One of the worst problems that an enlarged prostate might cause is chronic urine retention, and acute urinary retention, which is when urine passes through painfully or you can’t urinate, respectively. Though cancer is the main worry for men when they hear they have enlarged prostate, these vegan foods and natural remedies listed below to prevent and treat enlarged prostate, will also provide extra health benefits that may prevent the development of prostate cancer.
An enlarged prostate is very common in men over the age of about 50, and about 1 in 3 men over the age of 50 have urinary symptoms. So, in order to prevent and treat enlarged prostate and cut risks of developing prostate cancer, it is important to find out more on what could be the possible causes for this condition, which have been reported to be related to: viral infection or inadequate dietary habits.
The link between viruses, enlarged prostate, and prostate cancer.
A meta-analysis of various studies was conducted to establish, whether there is a link between certain viral infections and the risk of developing prostate cancer since fungal and viral infections have been shown to be associated with an enlarged prostate. It was concluded that there is a potential association between (herpes simplex virus type 2) HSV-2 infection and a higher prostate cancer risk. This is because herpes virus plays an important role in the pathogenesis of cancer via the inhibition of cell apoptosis and stimulation of DNA synthesis, which may ultimately lead to cancer.
Nutrition is the key to treat an enlarged prostate and cut risks of developing prostate cancer, according to experts
Micheal Greger M.D., the founder of NutritionFacts, suggests that all men should consider eating a prostate-healthy diet that includes legumes such as beans, peas and lentils; certain vegetables (like garlic and onions); and certain seeds (flax seeds); and avoids refined grains, eggs, and poultry. Other vegan foods to treat an enlarged prostate and cut risks of developing prostate cancer have been reported to be pomegranate, and coffee, as the phytochemicals in coffee also act as antioxidants, making the brew a potentially natural way to help men battle prostate cancer.
There are also foods that are effective in killing viruses, which as mentioned above, can be linked with the prostate enlargement. They include certain mushrooms like shiitake, reishi and turkey tail have been found to be to kill viruses and banana, which is another food that has been reported to have antiviral capabilities because it has been shown have an impressive ability to help Ebola, hepatitis C, Sars and HIV patients recover.
Some of the natural remedies to treat an enlarged prostate and cut risks of developing prostate cancer that is worth looking into include: essential oil and green tea
Essential oils to treat an enlarged prostate and cut risks of developing prostate cancer include black seed oil from Nigella sativa because it is rich in a phytochemical called Thymoquinone (TQ), which has been shown to have anti-cancer properties that suppress the growth and lead to the death of aggressive prostate cancer cells. Other essential oils like: sandalwood, chamomile and tea tree oil have been reported to be effective against herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2.
Green tea is also a natural remedy to treat an enlarged prostate and cut risks of developing prostate cancer. A recent systematic review on green tea consumption and the risk of prostate cancer concluded that green tea consumption was linearly reduced prostate cancer risk with more than 7 cups/day and green tea catechins were effective for preventing prostate cancer.
The symptoms of the prostate gland, which may be cancerous or not, include:
Frequent urination, Poor flow of urine, Straining while urinating, a feel as if you will pee on yourself if you don't get to the convenience in time when pressed, occasional involuntary passage of urine on self when pressed, waking up at night to urinate 3 or more times or feeling of incomplete emptying of bladder despite just urinating.
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