Wednesday 17 February 2016

Is BARLEY the latest superfood?

 Grain reduces appetite and blood sugar levels - 'helping prevent obesity, diabetes and heart disease'
Barley found to rapidly improve people's health - in just three days
Reduced blood sugar levels and in turn, the risk of diabetes, experts say
Cereal also reduces a person's appetite and risk of cardiovascular disease
Special mix of dietary fibers stimulates growth of 'good' bacteria in the gut, which regulates metabolism and appetite
Fibers also promote the release of vital hormones, that reduces low-grade inflammation protecting against diabetes and heart disease
Add barley kernels to salads, soups, stews and as replacement for rice.

A new study has found barley rapidly improves people's health. The mix of dietary fibers in the kernels stimulates the growth of 'good' bacteria in the gut, which in turn reduces appetite and boosts metabolism. It also helps promote the release of hormones that combat inflammation, researchers said
A new study has found barley rapidly improves people's health. The mix of dietary fibers in the kernels stimulates the growth of 'good' bacteria in the gut, which in turn reduces appetite and boosts metabolism. It also helps promote the release of hormones that combat inflammation, researchers said.

Anne Nilsson, associate professor and one of the researchers who led the study, said: 'It is surprising yet promising that choosing the right blend of dietary fibers can, in a short period of time, generate such remarkable health benefits.'
To arrive at their conclusions, researchers examined a group of healthy middle-aged volunteers over a three-day period.
They were asked to eat bread largely made out of barley kernels (up to 85 per cent) for breakfast, lunch and dinner each day.
Around 11 to 14 hours after their final meal of the day, each participant was examined for risk indicators of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

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