Tuesday 30 August 2016

This Woman Sprays Alcohol On Her Bed. She Can’t Believe What She Finds That Night!!

Image result for bed bugs

Many people use rubbing alcohol as a disinfectant or to remove adhesive. There are so many different uses of this besides disinfection that  people don’t have a clue about. It may even been used in cosmetics.

Get rid of bed bugs
Bed bugs can be a real problem to get rid of once you get them. But even if you are really careful, they can sneak home with you after vacation or a stay at an unhygienic friend’s house. Thank goodness rubbing alcohol can help kill these nasty pests. Fill a spray bottle with rubbing alcohol and spray it generously over your pillows and mattress. Since bed bugs lay eggs, it’s important to repeat this process several times to completely get rid of them.

Deodorant replacement
Forgot to pack your deodorant while gone away during the weekend? Don’t panic just yet. Rubbing alcohol eliminates the bacteria that causes bad odor and many people carry it in their first aid kit. Make sure you don’t use this as a long term solution as alcohol will irritate the skin.

Homemade cool pack
If you place alcohol in the freezer, it won’t turn to ice, but rather to a cold, thick mass. Why is that important? Well, thanks to this property, you can use alcohol to make your own cooling pad. Pour 1 part alcohol and 2 parts water together in a sealable plastic bag. Make sure you remove as much air as possible before placing it in the freezer. After an hour or so the mixture should be the right texture. You could use this as an ice pack for an injury or to cool your lunch on a hike, for example.

Kill lice
Rubbing alcohol is an amazing solution for removing lice. Pour it into a spray bottle add in a couple drops of lavender oil. Go outside and spray the mixture onto the scalp. Make sure to comb out the dead lice. The Wisconsin Division of Public Health recommends to leave used lice combs soaking in the mixture for at least 1 hour to make sure all the bugs are taken care of.

 Clean your ears
Many people still use cotton swaps to clean their ears, but this method is actually dangerous because it buries wax deeper and deeper in the ear canal. There is an easier way to clean your ears: Mix white vinegar and rubbing alcohol together in a cup. Dip a cotton swap in the mixture and drop it into your ears. The wax will be removed on its own.

Remove fingernail polish
Nail polish removers tend to have acetone in them which can cause damae to your nails. Some people feel nauseous after using it from its fumes. Pure rubbing alcohol is one possible alternative. It may take a little longer to completely remove the polish, but your nails won’t be damaged in the process.

 No more ingrown hairs
Ingrown hairs are the worst. You shaved your bikini line or armpits and now the area is covered in red dots. That can all change once you apply a bit of rubbing alcohol to your skin. The alcohol should alleviate any irritation, leaving your skin looking smooth once again.

Clear your skin
Benzoyl peroxide is a common ingredient found in acne-fighting creams and ointments, but rubbing alcohol works just as well. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, it will not only disinfect any existing pimples, but also sooth the surrounding skin and help prevent additional ones from popping up. Make sure to only apply it directly to the pimple, however, as extended use can cause skin irritation.

 Cold sores
85% percent of people carry the herpes virus, but only a small percent will ever experience a break out. If you are hit with a painful outbreak at some point, try using 70% isopropyl alcohol on the spots. According to the University of Michigan, this will make the herpes sores go away faster.


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