Saturday 4 March 2017


·         Stocks of new ‘super-charged’ gummy bears sold out within 48 hours
·         Priced at around £1 per bear, they are some of the most highly valued gummies in the UK
·         Pocket sized supplement could provide on-the-go relief for sufferers of anxiety or IBS

For the first time, plant based extract Cannabidiol (also known as CBD) is available in gummy bear form.  London based Love Hemp sold through their initial stock of over 2,000 bears in under 48 hours of trading.
Designed as a food supplement, each fruit flavoured bear contains 10mg Cannabidiol and is enriched with Vitamins B12 & D3.  The bears are sold in packs of 5, 10 or 25, priced at £5.99 for the smaller packs. 
Whilst this makes them arguably the most expensive gummy bears available in the UK, extensive studies have linked Cannabidiol consumption with range of benefits from reduced stress and anxiety, to heart health and muscle recovery.  Combined with Vitamins often lacking from regular diets, the bears are intended to support a healthy lifestyle.  Consumption of Vitamin D has recently been linked with a significantly reduced risk of cold and flu [1].
Tom Rowland, co-founder of Love Hemp, said: “We’ve been shocked by the appetite for our little bears and currently have a waiting list.  The market for supplements containing hemp oil is exploding in the UK right now.  The issue is that these oils can have a rather strong taste and many of our customers have been requesting a sweet alternative like this.”
Studies using neuroimaging have shown that CBD can affect the limbic and paralimbic regions of the brain including the amygdala, which plays a key role in the fear response. When exposed to stressful situations, subjects who had been given CBD showed less activity in these parts of the brain and felt less anxiety [2].
CBD has also been linked with relieving the symptoms of irritable bowel disease, or IBS — a painful condition that affects millions.  A clinical trial on IBS patients is currently underway in the Netherlands.  It’s a double-blind, placebo controlled study, so that neither patients or doctors will know when they’re getting the active ingredient [3].  If the trial is successful, they will double the dose of CBD and test it against more serious diseases like Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis.
It is recommended that up to 4 gummies are consumed daily or as needed.  The CBD infused gummy bears do not contain yeast, wheat, gluten, dairy, eggs, or peanuts.  There are no artificial flavours or preservatives.
Tom Rowland added: “Clearly, gummy bears are also very appealing to children and whilst these products are extremely safe, as with any supplements or vitamin tablets, they should be consumed in moderation.  We offer clear guidance on the daily intake and restrict the size of our packs.”
Worldwide, the UK ranks second in the number of web searches for CBD products online.  It is estimated that the global CBD industry is already worth around $200million and the UK market is expanding rapidly.  Increased demand for Hemp has led to an additional 42,000 acres of crop-farming across the EU for its non-psychoactive compounds such as CBD, whilst the legal cannabis industry is experiencing worldwide exponential growth.
Love Hemp sells a range of THC free hemp extracts (including oils, e-liquids and body salves) which have no psychoactive properties. 
[1] BMJ 2017;356:i6583 (Published 15 February 2017)
Vitamin D supplementation to prevent acute respiratory tract infections: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data
[2] Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior (volume 99, issue 4), October 2011 | Effects of intracisternal administration of cannabidiol on the cardiovascular and behavioral responses to acute restraint stress
“Distinct effects of {delta}9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol on neural activation during emotional processing” | P Fusar-Poli, Neuroimaging Section, Division of Psychological Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry, London | Archives of General Psychiatry, (January 2009)
[3] CBS Local - A Hemp Product Without The High – Offers Hope To IBS Sufferers (Feb, 2017)
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