Wednesday 14 September 2016

Benefits of Kelp Seaweed!

Concentrated in Dietary Minerals Kelp is a general term used to describe a broad range of over 300 species of brown marine algae that grow wild in shallow open ocean waters all over the world. Kelps are particularly known for their efficient ability to absorb and concentrate a high amount of minerals and other micronutrients from seawater into their multicellular, thick leaf-like blades. They are thus a highly nutritious edible food source for many aquatic creatures and can be equally harvested, dried and consumed as a dietary supplement for humans alike.
They are thus a highly nutritious edible food source for many aquatic creatures and can be equally harvested, dried and consumed as a dietary supplement for humans alike.
Different kelp seaweed species have been revered throughout human history by inhabitants of coastal locations for their medicinal qualities.
Mineral-rich powders or whole seaweeds nutritionally fortify the diet and are traditionally used in soup stocks for nourishing extremely emaciated or weak individuals
Many of the kelp seaweed types are specifically higher in bioavailable iodine, which is often helpful for correcting iodine deficiency. If you do not have enough iodine in your body, you cannot make the required amount of thyroid hormones. Over time, this can cause symptoms of fatigue, low metabolism and weight gain issues associated with hypothyroidism and goiter.

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