Tuesday 6 September 2016

Health Benefits of Passion Fruit and Nutrition Facts!

Passion fruit comes from Passiflora edulis , a vine species of passion flower native to Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina.
Passion fruit has a pulpy interior with a lot of seeds. When mature, their exteriors can come in yellow or purple color depending upon the variety.

passion fruit

Golden or yellow passion fruit has more airy and acidic flavor whereas the purple one is highly aromatic and has a strong flavor.
This fruit is widely consumed in the form of juice, in salads, fruit pulp, mixed in cocktails, in desserts and a flavoring agent.
Depending on the color there is a slight difference in the nutritional content of this fruit. We will try to bring to you the common and usually accepted standards for Passion fruit.

Passion Fruit Nutrition Data

Passion fruit is a highly nutritious fruit and contains ample of vitamins and mineral. Following passion fruit nutrition data enumerates the quantity and proportions of nutrients in per 100 grams serving of this tasty delight.(1)
Energy 97 Kcal
Carbohydrates 23.38 gms
Dietary Fibre 10.40 gms
Fats 0.70 gms
 Protein 2.20 gms
Vitamin A 1274 IU
Beta Carotene 743 ug
Vitamin B2 0.13 mg
Vitamin B3 1.5 mg
Folate 14 ug
Vitamin B6 0.1 mg
Vitamin C 30 mg
Calcium 12 mg
Magnesium 29 mg
Iron 1.6 mg
Phosphorus 68 mg
Zinc 0.10 mg
Potassium 348 mg
Copper 0.086 mg

Dietary fiber of Passion fruit is particularly high, and it fulfills about 43% of our daily need of Vitamin A as well. Iron clocks at 20% and copper at 9.5% with 100 grams of passion fruit.
It is also a rich source of phytonutrients like Cryptoxanthin and lycopene. Passion fruit calories content is low and moderate carbohydrate which is 18% of our daily need.
There is almost no sodium in this fruit but potassium that makes up for 7% of body’s daily need.

Health Benefits of Passion Fruit and Nutrition Facts 

1. Passion Fruit Contains Antioxidants That Protects From Cancer

There is a significant increase in cancer cases in recent times. Numerous factors cause cancer and at times without any apparent reason.
But the process that begins the onset of cancer is the production of free radicals in the body. So what are these free radicals?
So what are these free radicals?
Our body needs oxygen for all of its functions but certain molecules on exposure to oxygen can alter and damage the sanctity of DNA at the cellular level.
These damaged cells are called free radicals, and their growth is what we call cancer. Their unique property of dividing incessantly makes them dangerous.
Formation of free radicals is natural and antioxidants clean them up regularly before they can damage the healthy cells.
The Best Part?
Passion fruit contains a high amount of Vitamin A and Vitamin C, both are strong anti-oxidants. They neutralize these free radicals and protect from cancer.(2)
The flavonoids further enhance the potency of Passion fruit in providing antioxidants to the body and protecting from cancer. Recent studies have also shown that in cancer patients, flavonoids can kill the cancerous cells. (3)

2. Passion Fruits Balance Healthy Blood Pressure Level

High potassium content with almost no sodium makes Passion fruit highly effective in protecting from high blood pressure. (4)
High sodium levels are associated with an increase in blood pressure and consequently resulting in another disease like heart attack or stroke.
Sodium is required in very limited quantities in our body, but most of it is derived from our usual diet containing salt. Therefore, any salt eaten over and above your meals and fruits makes for an extra consumption of sodium.
Potassium regulates electrolyte balance and controls the muscle function of our entire body including heart muscles. (5)
It also prevents the release of calcium into the blood stream that can cause blockages in the arteries if released in excess.
These three functionalities of Potassium make it an indirect factor that regulates optimum blood pressure in the body.

3. Fiber Content in Passion Protect From Colon Cancer

Passion fruit contains soluble fiber. Soluble fiber cleanses toxin stored in the colon by facilitating healthy and regular bowel movement.
Apart from the fiber content, the antioxidants in Passion fruit also aid in cleaning the colon.
The toxins that collect in intestines and gastrointestinal tract are partly responsible for infections and make the cancerous growth worse. They also hamper the treatment and interfere with the medicines being administered.
These components and nutrients in Passion fruit control and prevent constipation by adding bulk to the stools and softening them.
Fiber absorbs water, and that is what makes the stools softer that are easy to pass through the anal track. This particular role of fiber in our body results in reducing the incidence and protection from piles and inflammation of the anal area. (6)

4. Loads Of Eye Health Boosting Nutrients

Your vision and eye health tend to deteriorate with age and in some younger people due to infections and weakness of optical nerves.
Nowadays you can find even children wearing thick spectacles that are partly due to excessive exposure to screens in the form of television and computers, and rest can be blamed on the unhealthy food habits.
The good news is that loss of eye vision and general improvement in eyesight can be attained by including healthy food in the diet.
Passion fruit is among those healthy foods that prove beneficial for eyes.  It contains a high amount of antioxidants like Vitamin A, Vitamin C and flavonoids. (7)
These nutrients protect eyes from free radical damage and take care of the mucous membranes that shield cornea of the eye.
Apart from these Beta Carotene in this fruit is known for its positive effects on eye and its vision. It is a phytonutrient and a precursor to Vitamin A. So it is beneficial to protect eyes from vision loss and improve eyesight.

5. Passion Fruit Keep Anemia Risk Away

The red color of our blood is due to a pigment called hemoglobin whose chief content is Iron.
Hemoglobin carries out the main function of blood which is transporting blood to all parts of our body. When doctors talk about the low level of blood, it usually refers to a deficiency of hemoglobin called Anemia.
Anemia is not a serious condition, but if it remains unchecked and undiagnosed for long, it can lead to very serious consequences.
Usual symptoms of low hemoglobin include persistent tiredness, breathlessness, drowsiness, blackouts and dizziness.
Passion fruit contains a high amount of iron which is 20% of daily required value along with Vitamin C.
Vitamin C is vital for absorption of iron in the body. It prevents loss of iron and increases hemoglobin in the blood. (8)

6. Fiber Make It Highly Beneficial For Digestion

As mentioned earlier. Passion fruits have a high amount of dietary fiber especially the soluble fiber.
Fruits that contain high amounts of soluble fiber increase bulk laxative and improves digestion. They result in improved capacity of the body in absorbing the nutrition from food.
Fiber absorbs water and softens the stools to make for an easy and healthy bowel movement.
Passion fruit is not only rich in fiber but also has a high water content that is a must with fiber for improving digestion.
It stimulates digestion with the help of its enzymes that increase the amount of digestive juices produced in the stomach. It is also known to relieve the body from many other gastric ailments as a result.

7. Give a Boost To Immune System With Passion Fruit

Immunity is our body’s defense system against various pathogens like a virus, bacteria, toxins, etc. that make the body unhealthy and lead to disease and infections. Our immune system is responsible for our immunity.
It has an important role in identifying the threat and eliminating it from the system before it causes a significant damage. Antioxidants are termed as “friends” of our immune system.
Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and phytonutrients like Xanthin and Beta Carotene are highly effective in optimizing the immune function of our body. It results in a higher resistance against common diseases like cold, flu and other infections. (9)
Vitamin C is particularly known for alleviating cold and cough; and since it is a water-soluble vitamin, its loss from the body is at a higher rate. This loss can be replenished by fruits like Passion fruits that are a rich source of Vitamin C.

8. Eating Passion Fruit Ensure You Healthy Cardiovascular System

There are more than one reason passion fruits should be close to your heart.
Cholesterol is probably the number one enemy of heart. It blocks arteries and creates fluctuation in the blood pressure resulting in increased stress on your heart.
Passion fruit has almost no cholesterol and minimum fats. But its goodness does not stop at just being a low-fat fruit.
It contains a high amount of fiber which reduces cholesterol level in blood. It increases HDL (good cholesterol) and reduces LDL ( bad cholesterol).(10)
Apart from these, it has potassium that protects from an irregular heartbeat and regulates the contraction and expansion of heart muscles. (11)
The antioxidants further discourage and clean out the plaque formation along the inner lining of arteries. (12)

9. Alkaloids Is A Natural Mood Enhancer

Passion fruit and its flower contain medicinal Alkaloids, and its phytonutrients are known to have mild sedative properties.(13)
It was found that eating passion fruit relaxes the nervous system and induces sleep.
It makes it a very effective mood enhancer and in fact, many doctors are now using these natural supplements to treat issues like depression, anxiety and insomnia.
The drugs to treat these disorders are strong, unsafe and have numerous side effects.
It is why there is a renewed emphasis on including the nerve calming food items in the daily diet of people suffering from these disorders.

10. Keep Asthma Control With Purple Passion Fruit

Purple Passion fruits benefits against asthma
A detailed study and research undertaken by Ronald Ross Watson in collaboration with a few reputed associations of medical science revealed that peel of passion fruit can bring relief to Asthma patients.(14)
It was deduced that it could be because of the antiallergic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the fruit.
The flavonoids of Purple Passion fruit have been found to be particularly useful in bringing the asthma symptoms in control.
The study was conducted on a smaller group but concluded with a promise that passion fruit extract could replace the conventional asthma drugs in future.
That not all…
There are some of essential nutrients that passion fruit contains that make it special.

Plant Compounds That Make It Special

Many diseases can prevent with a healthy diet. About 30% – 40% of cancers can be avoided just by including healthy foods in the diet.
Passion fruits are healthy fruits loaded with active antioxidants and
  • Nicotinic acid: In study, it was found to increase healthy HDL cholesterol and lower serum TC, triglycerides (TG) and LDL cholesterol. It is heart-friendly antioxidants and protects from heart diseases.(15, 16)
  • Riboflavin: Studies found that lower Riboflavin intake increases the risk Anemia. (17)
  • Carotenoids: Dietary carotenoids protect from cancer and responsible for healthy eyes. (18)
  • ß-carotene: ß-carotene is potent antioxidants that protect from cancer and aging. It is required for healthy heart and eyes. It also reduces the risk of lung cancer in smokers. (19)
  • Cryptoxanthin-ß: It is found to reduce the risk of lung cancer by 30%.  Apart from, it is a strong antioxidant. So it has multiple benefits like protecting from radicals.

Passion Fruit Side Effects

But there’s a catch…
There is a universal rule that everything has two sides- one positive and the other negative. Similarly, with Passion fruits too it is better to use some caution.
Though it is a thoroughly healthy fruit that can rarely endanger anyone but a few points about it should be kept in mind.
The sedative property of passion fruit can lead to intervention with drugs. If you are already administered medicines for depression and anxiety, then consult your doctor about the permissible dosage of this fruit.
For similar reasons, excessive alcohol and passion fruit should be avoided. They can make your reflexes extremely sluggish even if temporarily.
Aspirin should not be taken with Passion fruit as it can enhance the effect of this medicine which can dilute the blood excessively.
Passion fruit has a pro-anticoagulant property which leads to negative fall out with aspirin which is an anti-coagulant.
One crucial point,” you see a doctor when you need a doctor”. Remember dietary sources can not replace doctors expertise and medicines.
You can take dietary measures along with the recommended treatment and medicines.
Never stop the treatment unless your doctor tells you to and do refer your dietary plans to the doctor for the correct advice.
Just because fruits are natural, it does not make them safe for everyone, especially in large quantities.

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